TPCH Releases ‘The Cost of Ending Homelessness in Pima County’, 2023 System Modeling and Gaps Analysis Report

TPCH Releases ‘The Cost of Ending Homelessness in Pima County’, 2023 System Modeling and Gaps Analysis Report

An additional 1,367 shelter beds and 4,901 units of supportive housing needed to end homelessness in Pima County, Arizona.

TPCH estimates that between $50M and $70M is spent annually to address homelessness in Pima County. These funds come from a wide variety of federal, state, local, and philanthropic sources and support a multitude of programs ranging from direct cash assistance to supportive housing, street outreach, child care, nutrition, addiction recovery, and other services.

If we are to permanently end homelessness, significantly more resources are necessary. TPCH’s 2023 System Modeling and Gaps Analysis Report, The Cost of Ending Homelessness in Pima County, identifies the number of additional housing navigation and diversion, emergency shelter, and supportive housing beds that are needed to effectively end homelessness in Tucson and surrounding Pima County and, using current system costs, estimates the additional financial investment that is needed to achieve this aim.

In total, an additional 1,367 additional emergency shelter beds and 4,901 supportive housing units, including transitional, rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing units, are projected to be needed within the next five years to achieve and sustain functional zero, the point at which existing system capacity is sufficient to ensure that homelessness is rare, brief, and one time.

Click here to download the full report.

TPCH & UA Southwest Institute for Research on Women Release "No Judgment Here" 2023 Needs Assessment of Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Tucson

TPCH is pleased to announce the release of "No Judgment Here", the 2023 Needs Assessment of Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Tucson.  The 2023 needs assessment was conducted by the University of Arizona Southwest Institute for Research on Women with funding and support provided by the City of Tucson Housing and Community Development Department and the Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness.
"No Judgment Here" amplifies the voices, experience, needs, and resiliency of adults experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness in the Tucson area. The 2023 report is based on nearly 400 in-person interviews and focus groups conducted in outreach centers, shelters, and other service environments.  Interviews were conducted by University researchers and peer interviewers, current and former shelter residents, using a participatory action research model.
Join TPCH for a Discussion with the Authors and Peer Researchers on September 14 (1pm)
University of Arizona researchers will join TPCH for a special 75-minute virtual presentation of data results and discussion with peer researchers involved in the project. Join us for this important session.
2023 Homeless Needs Assessment Presentation
September 14, 2023 (1pm-2:15pm)
Now that the webinar has ended, this recording is available to watch on-demand by clicking here and entering the following passcode: =SgYBc53z.
Click here to download the report.

TPCH Adds SAMHSA Training Content to Online Learning Center

We've added a number of behavioral health and best practice training offerings to the TPCH Online Training Center!

Have you checked out the TPCH Online Training Center recently?  We have more than 70 on-demand training offerings available to help you in your work with people experiencing homelessness.  Check out all of the behavioral health and best practice training resources that we've added this month! 

Recently Added On Demand Training Courses

Effective Behavioral Health Crisis Response

Addressing Drug Overdose Deaths in a Culturally Responsive System of Care

Housing Supports for Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness

Serious Mental Illness and Homelessness

Supporting Resiliency in Housing and Health Professionals

Trauma-Informed Outreach and Engagement Learning Series

Best Practices in Whole Person Care: Homelessness and Opioid Use Disorder

Funding Supportive Housing Services for People with Behavioral Health Needs

Disaster Response Planning for Homeless Service Providers

Supportive Housing Learning Series

Methamphetamine and the Transition to Housing

Integrating Behavioral Health Supports in Respite Care

Helping Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Obtain Identity Documents

Providing Affirming Services to LGBTQ+ Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Stabilizing Housing for Families of Children Experiencing Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Challenges

Taking a Trauma-Informed Approach with Events of Escalation

Street Medicine for Unsheltered Individuals: Serving People Where They Are

The TPCH Online Training Center is a free resource for TPCH member agencies and members of TPCH committees, coalitions, and the Continuum of Care Board.

Click here to access the TPCH Online Training Center.

TPCH Releases 2023 Point in Time Count & Shelter/Supportive Housing Utilization Report

Cover image shows person walking with backpack and text that reads "2023 Point in Time Count of Persons Experiencing Homelessness and Shelter/Housing Utilization Report - Read our 2023 Data Report and Join Us on June 6 for a Community Data Presentation.

Click here to download the full report.

Click here to register for TPCH's virtual Point in Time Count and Shelter/Supportive Housing Data Presentation on June 6, 2023 (1pm-2:30pm).

Correction Issued May 15, 2023: The original report released on May 12, 2023 included an error in the number of persons experiencing homelessness who were sheltered on the night of the 2020 point in time count. This error was located in the data chart on page 10 of the report and has been corrected. Please download the corrected report using the link above.

The Annual Homeless Point-in-Time (PIT) count, designed to provide a snapshot of households experiencing homelessness on a single night, was conducted in Pima County on January 24, 2023. This survey was supported by the efforts of more than 200 community volunteers, government agencies, and partnering non-profit staff. The 2023 count identified 2,209 people in 1,666 households residing in shelter, transitional housing, or living without shelter in Pima County the night of January 23, 2023.

In 2023, the total PIT count was up sixty percent from 2018, which represents an increase of 829 people over five years.  For the first time since 2019, the 2023 count of persons in temporary shelter locations increased by twenty-two percent, totaling 708 persons, and the unsheltered count decreased by nine percent, totaling 1,501 persons (148 fewer unsheltered persons than in 2022). An additional 2,017 persons were residing in longer-term housing programs for persons experiencing homelessness on the night of the count.

Rates of homelessness decreased in 2023 among many vulnerable populations. Youth households saw the greatest decrease in homelessness with 163 youth under the age of 25 experiencing homelessness on the night of January 24, 2023, down thirty-nine percent from 2022 and down six percent from 2018.  Veteran homelessness decreased by fourteen percent from 2022 and is down four percent from 2018. Although overall veteran homelessness has decreased, the number of veterans who were unsheltered on the night of the count remains forty-seven percent higher than in 2018.

Although positive trends have been seen among many populations, rates of homelessness among single adults increased for the fifth consecutive year with a total of 1,413 unsheltered single adults identified in the 2023 count. The number of chronically homeless persons has more than doubled since 2018 and seventy-seven percent of chronically homeless persons were unsheltered on the night of the 2023 count.

Overall, the 2023 PIT data reflects the growing number of people experiencing homelessness in Pima County since 2018 and offers initial indication that current efforts are beginning to reduce overall homelessness in the region after a period of rapid growth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic caused unprecedented strain on our homelessness response system. Although we have a long way to go, the positive momentum over the past 12 months highlights the importance of continued community collaboration and innovation to address the crisis of unsheltered homelessness facing our region,” said TPCH Board Chairperson, Jocelyn Muzzin.

The Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness and its member agencies continue to work to prevent and end homelessness in Tucson and Pima County through a variety of strategies which include:

The PIT count, which is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, is used in program planning across shelter, housing, and supportive services. The count includes individuals and families residing in emergency shelter or transitional housing, as well as people living without shelter.

While an imperfect measure, the annual count is an important tool used to inform priorities for federal, state, and local funding. It also helps identify trends and craft solutions for the needs of vulnerable individuals and families. The analysis and overall trend data are utilized by the Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness as one of many tools to track progress toward goals to prevent, reduce, and end homelessness. Additional information about this year’s count and historical Tucson/Pima County PIT data can be explored at

Click here to download the full report.

Click here to register for TPCH's virtual Point in Time Count and Shelter/Supportive Housing Data Presentation on June 6, 2023 (1pm-2:30pm).

Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness Receives $7.8M in NEW Federal Funds to Address Unsheltered Homelessness

On February 2, 2023, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded $315 million in new federal program awards in 46 cities and localities across 30 states to address unsheltered and rural homelessness. This announcement encourages coordinated planning among a variety of partners that include healthcare, Public Housing Agencies, other HUD-assisted housing providers, and people with lived experience. Click here to read the HUD announcement. 

The Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness received $7,802,581 which will support five new housing, outreach, and system administration projects to address unsheltered homelessness in Pima County. Each of these projects have received an initial three years of funding and will be eligible for annual renewal following the initial three-year grant period. 

"These funds will have a remarkable impact in our community's ability to respond to the growing crisis of unsheltered homelessness," said Jocelyn Muzzin, TPCH Board Chairperson. "We applaud the local organizations and projects funded through today's announcement."

Click here to review the TPCH Plan to Address Unsheltered Homelessness Submitted to HUD as part of this funding competition.

Learn More About the TPCH Projects Funded Through Today's Announcement

Old Pueblo Community Services - Mesquite Permanent Supportive Housing Project ($2,886,954)

The Mesquite PSH project will provide 80 year-round units of permanent supportive housing for unsheltered persons with disabilities experiencing chronic homelessness.

Community Bridges, Inc. - CBI Pima Permanent Supportive Housing Project ($2,886,954)

The CBI Pima PSH project will provide 70 year-round units of permanent supportive housing for unsheltered persons with disabilities experiencing chronic homelessness.

City of Tucson - Tucson Multi-Disciplinary Outreach Program ($1,560,516)

The Tucson Multi-Disciplinary Outreach Program will establish a coordinated street outreach team and volunteer outreach initiative through a partnership between the City of Tucson, Community Bridges, Inc., El Rio Community Health Center, Old Pueblo Community Services, and Our Family Services. 

Pima County - Homeless Management Information System Unsheltered Supplemental ($234,078)

The HMIS Unsheltered Supplemental will provide additional HMIS staffing to support the projects funded under this award and expanded homeless system data analytics and reporting. 

City of Tucson - Continuum of Care Planning Unsheltered Supplemental ($234,078)

The CoC Planning Unsheltered Supplemental will support additional CoC Lead Agency staffing to support systems change and improvement initiatives throughout the Continuum of Care. 

City of Tucson Hiring Coordinated Entry Lead to Support TPCH

The City of Tucson Housing and Community Development Department is hiring for the position of Continuum of Care Project Coordinator (Coordinated Entry Lead).  The Coordinated Entry Lead is a key staff member in the Department’s Planning and Community Development Division and is responsible for supporting and administering the local Coordinated Entry system in collaboration with the Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness (TPCH) and Homeless Management Information System Lead Agency.

The application period closes January 2, 2023.

Click here to review the job description and apply online. 

TPCH is a community-based coalition of government entities, not-for-profit organizations, businesses, faith communities, volunteer groups, and community members working together to prevent and end homelessness in Tucson and throughout Pima County, Arizona.  TPCH has a bold strategic plan centered on efforts to end chronic homelessness, reduce and abbreviate episodes of homelessness among all people, elevate the voices and authority of persons with lived and living experience of housing instability, and advance racial equity and housing justice in Southern Arizona.

Learn more about TPCH at

Click here to review TPCH’s Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in Tucson/Pima County.

Ready to join the team? 

Click here to review the position description and apply. 

TPCH and City of Tucson to Host Virtual Listening Session on Unsheltered Homelessness - September 28, 2022

Click here to download the event flyer as a PDF.

In a follow up to last month's two-day community strategy forum on unsheltered homelessness, the City of Tucson Housing and Community Development (HCD) and Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness (TPCH) will hold a listening virtual session on Wednesday, Sept. 28, from 5:30 to 7 pm. 

Registration is required and you can register here. 

At the Sept. 28 virtual forum, findings from last month’s sessions will be presented followed by opportunity for public input. Local residents, community groups, businesses, and people impacted by homelessness are encouraged to participate.

“The two-day forum provided a good foundation to build upon for an effective community-based collaboration. As a community, we must work together to better address the needs of our unhoused residents and there are many who want to be part of the solution,” said HCD Director Liz Morales. 

TPCH and HCD are working with the Corporation to Supportive Housing to launch a Frequent User System Engagement (FUSE) initiative aimed at housing individuals and families with service needs to reduce costs and trauma associated with recurring episodes of homelessness, incarceration, and emergency services. The FUSE initiative will give HCD and TPCH and its allies the opportunity to align health, housing, supportive services, and other resources to help prioritize unsheltered homelessness, particularly among individuals and families with serve service needs, and maintain permanent housing. 

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released a significant funding opportunity to address unsheltered homelessness. State and local governments have received infusions of new federal funding to support the transition of unsheltered individuals to temporary and permanent housing. 

“We hope that we hear from our residents and businesses and invite them to participate on September 28th as we build on the foundation of helping our unhoused, Morales said. 

TPCH and Pima County Health Department Host "Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness During the Monkeypox Outbreak" - A Webinar for Homeless Service Providers (September 21, 2022)

On August 4, federal officials declared monkeypox a public health emergency. Monkeypox is a communicable disease and people experiencing homelessness may be at increased risk of infection. Congregate settings and a high burden of chronic health conditions like HIV can make people experiencing homelessness more vulnerable to severe illness from monkeypox. The CDC has created a webpage with information related to the signs, symptoms, treatment, and other information about monkeypox, and has issued guidance to help reduce transmission in congregate living settings (such as homeless shelters).

Join TPCH and the Pima County Health Department for an informative, 60-minute webinar for homeless service providers.

September 21, 2022 (10am-11am)

Registration is required. Click here to register.

TPCH and Pima County Health Department will host, "Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness through the Monkeypox Outbreak", a 60-minute webinar for homeless service providers.

This virtual training session will cover:

  1. Overview of the current monkeypox health emergency
  2. Monkeypox symptoms and risk factors
  3. Health promotion and harm reduction strategies to reduce risk of monkeypox transmission in congregate settings and among people experiencing homelessness.
  4. Resources for monkeypox testing and vaccination for high-risk community members

Register Now

Registration is required to attend. Click here to register.

Your Input Needed - Participate in TPCH NOFO Community Input Sessions (September 12-16, 2022)

Your Input is Needed - Participate in TPCH Community Input Sessions Regarding the FY 2022 CoC Annual and Supplemental Community Applications.

Each year, TPCH is required to prepare a community application for CoC Program funds. The community application plays a critical role in our ability to retain and increase HUD funding for housing and services for people experiencing homelessness throughout Pima County.

TPCH will be holding a series of Community Input Sessions during which community stakeholders will provide input to improve this year's community applications for the FY 2022 Annual and Supplemental Notices of Funding Opportunity.  Each session will include a review of draft application sections and the opportunity to suggest improvements to our community’s funding application.

TPCH members and community partners are strongly encouraged to attend all community input sessions related to your individual and organizational expertise and role.  

Click here to download the Community Input Session Schedule with Registration Links as a PDF document.


Session 1 - Housing and Income System Performance/Outcomes (September 12, 2022, 10am-11:30am)

Topics: Housing First Evaluation, Mainstream Benefits, Reduction in First Time Homelessness, Length of Time Homeless, Exits to and Retention of Permanent Housing, Returns to Homelessness, Increasing Cash Income, Increasing Non-Employment Cash Income

Click here to RSVP for Session 1 - Housing and Income System Performance/Outcomes.

Session 2 - Outreach and Coordinated Entry (September 13, 2022 1pm-2:30pm)

Topics: Street Outreach, Coordinated Entry Process, Participant Centered Approaches to Coordinated Entry

This session will occur during the regularly scheduled TPCH Outreach Coalition meeting. Click here to join the meeting at 1pm on September 13, 2022.

Session 3 - Equity and Inclusion (September 14, 2022 10:30am-12pm)

Topics: LGBTQ+ Anti-Discrimination Policies, Analyzing Racial Disparities, Strategies to Address Racial Disparities, Tracking Progress on Eliminating Racial Disparities, Outreach Efforts to Engage People with Lived Experience in Leadership and Decision Making, Professional Development and Employment of People with Lived Experience, Gathering Feedback and Addressing Challenges of People with Lived Experience, Promoting Racial Equity in Local Competition and Review.  

This session will occur during the regularly scheduled TPCH Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee meeting. Click here to join the meeting at 10:30am on September 14.

Session 4 - Special Populations: Youth, Families, and Survivors of Domestic Abuse (September 15, 2022 2pm-3:30pm)

Topics: Formal Partnerships with Education Providers, Informing Youth & Families About Education Rights, Effectively Counting Youth in the PIT Count, Addressing DV Needs, Annual DV Safety and Best Practices Training, Using De-Identified Aggregate DV Data, Emergency Transfer Plans, Accessing to Housing for DV Survivors, DV Safety, Planning, and Confidentiality, Comparable Databases

Click here to RSVP for Session #4 - Special Populations.

Session 5 - Continuum of Care Processes (September 16, 2022 10:30am-12pm)

Topics: Process for Inviting New Members, Strategy on Preventing and Ending Homelessness, Public Notice, Consultation with ESG Recipients, PHA Admission Preferences, Non-Congregate Sheltering, Partnerships with Public Health Agencies, Collaborating to Address Infectious Disease, Increasing Affordable Housing Supply, Addressing Severe Needs in Project Review, Reviewing Performance in Existing Projects

Click here to RSVP for Session #5 - CoC Processes.

TPCH Invites Applications for FY 2022 New and Renewal CoC Program Funds, FY 2022 YHDP Renewal and Replacement Activities (Due 8/31/22)


TPCH has released the local application materials for the FY 2022 Annual Continuum of Care Program Funding Competition in Tucson/Pima County.  Funding opportunity information and application instructions are posted at

Organizations interested in applying for FY 2022 Continuum of Care Program and Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project funds should begin by carefully reviewing the FY 2022 Continuum of Care Program Notice of Funding Availability, HUD's funding competition web page, and the TPCH FY 2022 CoC Program Funding Competition Overview, Instructions, and Process for Tucson/Pima County posted at

Visit the FY 2022 NOFO Headquarters page at

Application Due Date

All applications for FY 2022 Continuum of Care Program and Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project renewal/replacement funds are due no later than 12pm Arizona time (noon) on August 31, 2022. 

Funding Available

The Tucson/Pima County FY 2022 funding competition includes four categories of available funding:

CoC Program Renewal Funds: A total of $8,756,385 is available for renewal and/or reallocation of existing Continuum of Care Program grant awards.  Only organizations currently awarded CoC Program grant funds expiring in Calendar Year 2023 are eligible to apply under this category. 

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project Renewal and Replacement Funds: A total of $2,119,140 is available for the renewal or replacement of existing Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) grant awards.  Only organizations currently awarded YHDP grant funds expiring in Calendar Year 2023 are eligible to apply under this category. 

CoC Bonus Program: A total of $543,776 is available for new project applications for service-rich permanent supportive housing projects dedicated for persons meeting Chronic Homelessness and/or Dedicated Plus eligibility standards.  Organizations which do not currently administer CoC Program funds are encouraged to apply. 

Domestic Violence Bonus Program: A total of $666,650 is available for new project applications for rapid rehousing, joint transitional housing - rapid rehousing, and supportive services only - coordinated entry projects dedicated for persons fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, including victims of human trafficking. Organizations which do not currently administer CoC Program funds are encouraged to apply. 

Pre-Proposal Workshop (August 22, 2pm)

All interested and potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-proposal conference scheduled for August 22, 2022 from 2pm-4pm Arizona time. The pre-proposal conference will be held virtually using Zoom software.

Registration is required. Register online at

For More Information

Visit for detailed information about this funding opportunity and application instructions.  Email questions regarding this competition to  Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.