Making Homelessness History! is both TPCH’s mission and the title of the 2018 TPCH Conference set for Tuesday, Sept. 18, and opening with a keynote speech on “Housing Policy, Priorities, and Initiatives in Arizona” by Arizona Department of Housing Director (ADOH)
Carol I. Ditmore.
See the attached program for details.
The conference runs 8:00 am - 4:30 pm at the Viscount Suites Hotel, 4855 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson.
Making Homelessness History! features 16 breakout sessions by expert presenters in four tracks: Data-driven, Evidence-based Practices; Special Populations; Housing and Real Estate; and Professional Ethics and Boundaries. See the attached schedule.
Registration, at $80, opens late next week, and includes continental breakfast and luncheon. Plan now to attend.
Volunteers, who must make and meet a firm for waived registration, are sought for the following positions.
Click here to volunteer.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: The deadline for local submission of all applications for the FY 2018 HUD CoC Homeless Assistance Grants Competition is 11:59:59 pm (before midnight) on Thurs., Aug. 16, 2018.
This includes all applications in e-snaps and those local applications required for all new, bonus, Domestic Violence bonus, and expansion grants.
For further details see Please direct questions and requests for assistance to
The 2018 Veterans Resource Fair (one-day Stand Down) is Weds., Aug. 15, 9:00 am – 2 pm, at the Grand Luxe Hotel, 1365 W. Grant Rd.
Las Artes, a county GED program, at 23 W. 27th St., is recruiting youth ages 17 to 22, who can score at 5th grade or higher on the TABE, for classes starting Sept. 3. Testing is at 8:30 am Mon.-Thurs. To learn more contact or call 520-742-5112.
Send items for the next announcements by noon Tues., Aug. 21, to