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TPCH News - July 10, 2019

HUD FY 2019 Continuum of Care Program NOFA Released

The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Fiscal Year 2019 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition has been posted to the FY 2019 CoC Program Competition: Funding Availability page on the HUD Exchange. HUD has released New and Renewal Project Applications in e-snaps and has also released the Renewal Project Application Detailed Instructions.  New project application instructions have not yet been posted.  Once posted, they will be available under the Submitting Applications for Project Funding header at

In the coming days and weeks, TPCH will be publishing key information regarding the NOFA at

Please continue to check back to this page for the Tucson/Pima County NOFA timeline, priorities, grantee meetings, application forms, scoring tools, and other resources.  We encourage new applicants to apply and will be hosting application technical assistance sessions for new and renewing applicants.

Calling All National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference Attendees

Are you attending the National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference in Washington D.C. later this month?

Join TPCH for two exciting activiting during the NAEH Conference!

TPCH Networking Dinner - Tuesday, July 24, 6pm
District Kitchen (2606 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC)

This is a great opportunity to share excitement in lessons learned during the conference, plan for Wednesday's legislative visits, and enjoy a night out with your TPCH colleagues.  For the menu and prices, visit Separate checks will be provided.

Legislative Visits - NAEH Capitol Hill Day - Wednesday, July 25

All conference attendees should have received an email from Joan Serviss with information regarding legislative visits being scheduled with Arizona's members of Congress.  Please email if you did not receive this email so that you can stay up to date on Hill Day details.

Specialized Housing and Services for Victims of Human Trafficking NOFA Released by HUD

On July 2, 2019, HUD released the Specialized Housing and Services for Victims of Human Trafficking Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).  Applications are due October 30, 2019.

Through the funds available under this NOFA, HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office for Victims of Crimes (OVC) are promoting collaboration between Continuums of Care (CoCs) funded by HUD and organizations funded by DOJ to address the housing and service needs of victims of human trafficking. This NOFA promotes trauma-informed, victim-centered services, including in tribal areas. Organizations awarded funds through this NOFA are expected to work with other organizations within the CoC’s geographic area to train service providers on how to identify victims of human trafficking and connect these victims to appropriate housing. SNAPS and OVC plan to identify best practices for addressing this population that may assist in framing future funding opportunities for victims of human trafficking.

LGBTQ+ Best Practices Training for Housing & Service Providers - 1 Week Away!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 - 1pm - 3pm
City of Tucson Community Resource Campus
330 N. Commerce Park Loop, Sentinel Building

Join TPCH and Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation for a free training in Best Practices for Working with LGBTQ People Experiencing Homelessness. Participants will:

  • learn to identify common terms and definitions related to LGBTQ identities
  • explore how stigma and discrimination impact health and outcomes for LGBTQ people
  • build capacity to provide inclusive, affirming services for LGBTQ communities

RSVP for the July 17 training here. 

This session is the first in a series of LGBTQ-focused housing and service provider trainings to be offered by Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation through the Lighthouse Project over the coming year.  Watch for additional training announcements.

Southern Arizona VA Health Care System Hosts 8th Annual Homeless Summit

Friday, July 19, 2019 - 9:30am-12pm
R.E. Lindsey Jr Auditorium
3601 S. Sixth Avenue
Tucson, AZ  85723
The Southern Arizona VA Health Care System invites TPCH members and community partners to attend the 8th Annual Homeless Summit.  The Summit will include presentation of new approaches to ending Veteran homelessness through:
  • Rapid Resolution
  • Coordinated Entry
  • Low Income Tax Credit Housing
  • Employment and Compensated Work Therapy
  • HUD VASH (HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing)
There is still time to register by emailing

Need Help Brochures and Guidelines to Getting Out Now Available

Copies of the updated TPCH Need Help and Guidelines to Getting Out resource pamphlets are available.

Contact us to arrange for pickup if you would like additional copies for your outreach teams, program sites, or other community groups.

You can also download and print copies at

Save the Date: Federal Grant Compliance Training (September 10-11, 2019)

TPCH to bring nationally-recognized Federal Grant Compliance Training to Tucson.

TPCH to host federal grants compliance training facilitated by national experts from Thompson Grants. This two-day training, spanning the entire grants lifecycle, will help your team learn how to successfully manage federal grants in compliance with 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance.  Participants will benefit from clear instruction on the most complex and potentially confusing guidance and regulations issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Government Accountability Office (GAO), Treasury and all federal grant-making agencies, so you can take the steps needed to stay in compliance with the complicated, detailed rules that govern federal funding.

This training is intended for finance, grant and contract management, and senior program staff with responsibility for federal grant oversight.  Discounted seats will be reserved for Continuum of Care recipients and Emergency Solutions Grant subrecipients.  Space is limited so watch for further details and sign up fast.

TPCH Training Survey

TPCH is planning our training calendar.  We need your input. 

Each year, TPCH is required to provide a number of trainings to meet federal requirements. In addition to those required trainings, many TPCH members have asked for more training opportunities over the course of the year.

To help us plan the training calendar for the coming year, please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey and let us know what types of trainings you would like to see and how you would like those trainings delivered (online, in-person, conference, etc.)

Complete the training survey at

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