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TPCH News - August 10, 2020


Save the Date - TPCH Racial Equity Training Series begins in September.

C4 Innovations’ Racial Equity Initiatives team will lead a four-session Race Equity 101 training focused on the intersection of racism and homelessness for TPCH members. The virtual training will be led by Regina Cannon to establish a baseline understanding of the connections between racism and homelessness, increase skills to initiate productive conversations about race, and provide concrete tools for implementing anti-racism conversations in homeless service agencies. This training is sequential and is structured to build upon competencies learned from each session. It is highly encouraged that participants commit to attending and participating in all four training sessions.

Session 1 (September 17, 10AM-12PM): Participants will engage in level setting and become more familiar with understanding race equity, anti-racism language and concepts. This session will also provide a historical context of housing stability and homelessness in the US.

Session 2 (September 24, 10AM-12PM: Participants will explore different levels of racism and learn how those levels of racism show up throughout the homelessness response system.

Session 3 (October 1, 10AM-12PM): This session introduces the courageous conversations protocol. Participants will practice having courageous conversations as it relates to implicit and explicit racial bias in the homelessness response system.

Session 4 (October 8, 10AM-12PM):  Participants will use concepts and skills learned from training sessions 1-3 to deepen their understanding of race as it relates to the homelessness response system. Participants will begin to craft actionable strategies for advancing racial equity through conversation, planning, and redesign.

This training is free for TPCH members.  The full training agenda and registration information will be shared within the next few weeks.  We hope you are able to participate in this important and timely professional development opportunity.


The annual election for TPCH Continuum of Care Board and Committee members is now open. 

The TPCH General Council will hold its annual meeting this Thursday, August 13.  This meeting will include an update on the status of homelessness in the region and other important community updates.

Meeting agenda and materials are posted at

Click here to register for the August 13 General Council meeting.


The annual election for TPCH Continuum of Care Board and Committee members is now open. 

Members of the TPCH General Council with voting privileges are eligible to vote on all vacant Board and Committee seats. Votes must be cast on or before 11:59pm Arizona time on August 18, 2020.  Visit for candidate information and voting instructions.

City of Tucson Partners with YWCA and CFSA to Launch Small Business and Nonprofit Grant Opportunity

Small Business and Nonprofit Continuity Grant Opportunity

As part of the City of Tucson’s CARES Act funds, the Mayor and Tucson City Council approved $2.5 million for small businesses and nonprofits. Under the We Are One | Somos Uno Resiliency Fund, the grant program will distribute $2 million to small businesses and $500,000 to nonprofits. In partnership with the YWCA of Southern Arizona (YWCA) and the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona (CFSA), the grant program is now accepting applications.

The YWCA’s Women’s Business Center will administer the small business continuity grants, up to $10,000. Applications are available in English and Spanish, and grants will be awarded within 10 business days of submission. Nonprofit continuity grants, up to $20,000, will be administered through the CFSA.

Nonprofits in the City of Tucson and the City of South Tucson are eligible to apply. Follow the links below for more information.

YWCA (for small businesses)
CFSA (for nonprofits)

2-1-1 Arizona Restores 24-Hour Live Help Line

State funding allows 2-1-1 Arizona to resume 24-hour live information and referral services in English and Spanish. 

The statewide 2-1-1 Arizona Information and Referral Service program is now operating 24 hours per day, seven days per week and every day of the year. Live operator service is available at all times in both English and Spanish.

2-1-1 Arizona operators will help individuals and families find resources that are available to them locally, throughout the state, and provide connections to critical services that can improve – and save – lives, including:

  • Supplemental food and nutrition programs
  • Shelter and housing options
  • Utilities assistance
  • Emergency information and disaster relief
  • Employment and education opportunities
  • Services for veterans
  • Health care, vaccination and health epidemic information
  • Addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs
  • Re-entry help for ex-offenders
  • Support groups for individuals with mental illnesses or special needs
  • A safe, confidential path out of physical and/or emotional domestic violence

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