February 19, 2025 | 8:30 - 4 PM


Why Older Adults?

In Pima County there is a startling trend of first-time homelessness in older adults.  Many of these individuals don't know how to access the homeless response system and available services. Our lineup of speakers for the day includes experts in the field and advocates for both those experiencing homelessness and those specializing in older adult services. Together, we will share knowledge of homeless and older adult services, and work toward improved housing stability for older adults.

In 2023 389 older adults were interviewed about their experiences.  View the resulting report below. 
View Data Report


Check-in and pastries
8:00 - 8:30 am
Opening Plenary
8:30 - 9:30 am
Breakout Session 1
9:45 - 11:30 am
Homeless Service Provider track
Conference Room
Age-Related Needs and Barriers
New housing insecurity challenges of older adults, barriers faced in our systems, and ways we can adapt
Older Adult Services Provider track
Board Room
Accessing Emergency Services
Eviction Prevention, Emergency Shelter, Coordinated Entry
Lunch & Networking
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Breakout Session 2
12:30 - 2:20 pm
Homeless Service Provider track
Board Room
Navigating Resources for Older Adults
Community resources and public benefits: what you should know and how to access them
Older Adult Services Provider track
Conference Room
Meeting Community Housing Needs
Home Repair Programs, Affordable Housing, Public Housing Authority Programs
Closing Plenary
2:30 - 4:00 pm
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