This meeting will take place in the Sabino Room of the Sentinel Building, which is across the plaza from the City of Tucson office in the Santa Rita Building (to… Continue Reading TPCH Built for Zero Coalition
Sabino Room of the Sentinel Building, to the left as you walk into the plaza.
Hey everyone, as a reminder the Board voted that all meeting are in person as of July 1st. Please enter through the Sentinel building ( for reference this is the… Continue Reading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Hello all! Lance has confirmed that these meetings, now quarterly, will occur at the Goodwill Metro REC at the address listed above (1920 E Silverlake Rd #207, Tucson, AZ 85713).
Hello all! Going forward, this meeting will be held in our new shared space in the Sentinel Building at the City of Tucson offices. This room is past where the… Continue Reading TPCH Coordinated Entry Committee
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