TPCH Continuum of Care Board Meeting

320 N Commerce Park Loop (320 N Commerce Park Loop, Tucson, Arizona 85745)

Sabino Room of the Sentinel Building, to the left as you walk into the plaza.

TPCH Youth Action Committee


Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 856 7674 9224 Passcode: 944635 One tap mobile +12532158782,,85676749224# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,85676749224# US (Houston)

TPCH HMIS Committee

, 310 N. Commerce Park Loop, Tucson, AZ 85745

This meeting will take place in the Terrace Conference Room, upstairs in the City of Tucson offices.

TPCH Continuum of Care Board Meeting

320 N Commerce Park Loop (320 N Commerce Park Loop, Tucson, Arizona 85745)

Sabino Room of the Sentinel Building, to the left as you walk into the plaza.