TPCH Seeks Applications for Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project Funds
TPCH was selected as one of 23 Continuums of Care to participate in Round 3 of the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project. Through the demonstration project, HUD has allocated approximately $4.5M over two years to support community planning, housing, and services for youth experiencing and at-risk of homelessness in Tucson and throughout Pima County.
Since October 2019, the TPCH Youth Action Committee and Homeless Youth Subcommittee have collaborated with HUD staff, technical assistance providers, and local education, employment, health, behavioral health, and legal service partners to develop the Tucson/Pima County Coordinated Community Plan to Prevent and End Youth Homelessness.
The Coordinated Community Plan includes $4,108,265 in project funding to support critical housing and supportive services for youth. Available funding will support two years of project operations in seven project areas:
- Peer Outreach, Engagement and Advocacy ($156,000)
- Navigation and Case Management ($250,000)
- Diversion Services ($422,671)
- Education and Employment Services ($125,000)
- Crisis Transitional Housing - Site Based ($720,000)
- Rapid Rehousing ($1,930,000)
- Permanent Supportive Housing ($504,000)
Organizations interested in applying for Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project funds should begin by carefully reviewing the Coordinated Community Plan and Request for Proposals posted at
All application materials are available at along with a variety of HUD and TPCH resource documents to assist project applicants.
TPCH will host two online orientation sessions for project applicants. Participation is strongly encouraged and will be factored into funding recommendations.
RSVP for the Pre-Proposal Bidders Conference (May 1, 2020 - 1pm)
Learn more about the YHDP initiative and application requirements.
RSVP for the YHDP Collaboration Roundtable (May 5, 2020 - 1pm)
TPCH encourages collaborative applications that leverage the expertise and capacity of multiple organizations to deliver high-quality project services. Share information about your work, meet community partners, and generate collaboration in this informal speed dating style community collaboration event.
For more information about the YHDP funding opportunity, please email or call Jason Thorpe, TPCH Collaborative Applicant Coordinator, at (520) 437-5137. Please allow up to three business days for a response.