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TPCH Invites Applications for CoC Program and YHDP Renewal Funds. Applications due October 8, 2021.


Application Due Date - October 8, 2021 (12pm Noon - AZ Time)

TPCH has released the local application materials for the FY 2021 Continuum of Care Program Funding Competition in Tucson/Pima County.  Funding opportunity information and application instructions are posted at

Organizations interested in applying for FY 2021 Continuum of Care Program and Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project funds should begin by carefully reviewing the FY 2021 Continuum of Care Program Notice of Funding Availability, HUD's funding competition web page, and the TPCH FY 2021 CoC Program Funding Competition Overview, Instructions, and Process for Tucson/Pima County posted at


Funding Available

The Tucson/Pima County FY 2021 funding competition includes four categories of available funding:

CoC Program Renewal Funds: A total of $8,544,055 is available for renewal of existing Continuum of Care Program grant awards.  The Continuum of Care Board has determined that no projects are subject to involuntary reallocation during the FY 2021 funding competition.  Only organizations currently awarded CoC Program grant funds expiring in Calendar Year 2022 are eligible to apply under this category.

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project Renewal and Replacement Funds: A total of $2,091,492 is available for the renewal or replacement of existing Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) grant awards expiring in Calendar Year 2022.  Only organizations currently awarded YHDP grant funds expiring in Calendar Year 2022 are eligible to apply under this category.

CoC Bonus Program: A total of $531,777 is available for new project applications for service-rich permanent supportive housing projects dedicated for persons meeting Chronic Homelessness and/or Dedicated Plus eligibility standards.  Organizations which do not currently administer CoC Program funds are encouraged to apply.

Domestic Violence Bonus Program: A total of $1,108,660 is available for new project applications for rapid rehousing, joint transitional housing - rapid rehousing, and supportive services only - coordinated entry projects dedicated for persons fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, including victims of human trafficking. Organizations which do not currently administer CoC Program funds are encouraged to apply.

Pre-Proposal Workshops

TPCH will host three online pre-proposal workshops for new and renewal project applicants.

RSVP for Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project Renewal and Replacement Webinar
September 20, 2021   8:30am
Mandatory for all YHDP renewal project applicants

RSVP for CoC Renewal Application Webinar
September 21, 2021   9:00 am
Mandatory for all CoC renewal project applicants

RSVP for CoC New Project Application Webinar
September 22, 2021   8:30 am
Strongly encouraged for all CoC new project applicants

For More Information

Visit for detailed information about this funding opportunity and application instructions.  Email questions regarding this competition to  Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.

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