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TPCH Announcements - November 4, 2019

TPCH Invites You to Community Input Session - CoC Governance & Committee Structure

Thank you to everyone who completed our recent survey on TPCH governance and committee structures!  HUD Technical Assistance providers from HomeBase will be on-site in Tucson conducting meetings with TPCH members later this week and invite you to join us for a community input session and discussion to help shape the future of TPCH.  All members are encouraged to attend.

Thursday, November 7, 2019
9:30AM - 11:30AM

Location: City of Tucson Community Resource Campus - Sentinel Building/Emily Nottingham Conference Center - Sabino & Rillito Rooms (320 N. Commerce Park Loop, Tucson, AZ 85745)

Streamlined Diversion and Triage Tool Released

At the request of the Coordinated Entry Committee, the TPCH Board approved revisions to the Diversion and Triage Tool in late October. The revised tool simplifies the diversion and triage process by reducing redundancy in questions asked across triage, assessment, and intake forms.  The revised tool should begin being be used for all assessments immediately.

The tool has been updated in HMIS and a paper tool is available to all HMIS users through Revelation. If you conduct Coordinated Entry assessments and have not yet received a copy of the updated tool, please contact

TPCH General Council Meeting, November 14, 2019

TPCH will hold its quarterly General Council meeting on November 14, 2019.  All TPCH members are invited to attend. We will be receiving progress updates from the CoC committees, discussing next steps in strategic planning, and reviewing recommendations from HomeBase regarding CoC committees and governance.

TPCH General Council Meeting
November 14, 2019, 3pm-5pm

Location: City of Tucson Community Resource Campus - Sentinel Building/Emily Nottingham Conference Center - Sabino & Rillito Rooms (320 N. Commerce Park Loop, Tucson, AZ 85745)

TPCH Updates Target Length of Stay for Youth In Rapid Rehousing Projects

At the request of the Youth Action Committee and Continuum of Service Committee, the TPCH Board approved revisions to the TPCH Written Standards extending the target length of stay in rapid rehousing projects for youth ages 18-24 to twelve months. The rental contribution schedule has been extended commensurately.

This change affects all rapid rehousing projects covered under the TPCH Written Standards including those projects which are not dedicated for youth but are serving youth participants.

The Written Standards will be revised and posted to the TPCH website within the next 7 days.

Chronic Homelessness Among Veterans Reduced by 50% Since April

TPCH member agencies and government partners at the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System, City of Tucson Housing and Community Development, and Pima County HMIS are pooling resources to end chronic homelessness among veterans.

Over the past six months, the number of veterans known to be experiencing chronic homelessness through the Tucson/Pima County Coordinated Entry system reduced by 50%.

Thank you to the Built for Zero Community Team and the many partners who have joined together to help our community end chronic homelessness among veterans.

Early Registration Open for Salvation Army Holiday Toy Giveaway

Download the flyer as a PDF to share with the people you serve and other families with low income here.


Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project Planning Continues

The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) planning is underway and your input is needed to help inform how TPCH will use the $4.558M grant award to significantly reduce youth homelessness in Tucson and throughout Pima County.

If you are interested in participating in the YHDP Planning team or staying up-to-date on YHDP activities, please email us to sign-up for the YHDP list.

Upcoming YHDP Community Planning Team Meetings
All meetings held at the Lohse Family YMCA unless otherwise noted.

Thursday, November 7, 3:00pm-5:00pm: YHDP Planning Session/Homeless Youth Subcommittee Meeting

Thursday, November 21 (9am-5pm) and Friday, November 22 (9am-3pm): YHDP Community Planning Retreat with HUD Technical Assistance Providers. Location tbd.

Thursday, December 5, 3:00pm-5:00pm: YHDP Planning Session/Homeless Youth Subcommittee Meeting

Tentative - Save the Date: Monday, December 16 (9am-5pm) and Friday, December 17 (9am-3pm): YHDP Community Planning Retreat with HUD Technical Assistance Providers. Location tbd.

Thursday, January 5, 3:00pm-5:00pm: YHDP Planning Session/Homeless Youth Subcommittee Meeting

Thursday, January 16, 3:00pm-5:00pm: YHDP Planning Session/Homeless Youth Subcommittee Meeting

Mental Health First Aid Training, December 11, 2019

TPCH and Interfaith Community Services invite TPCH members to a free 8-hour Mental Health First Aid Training. This 8-hour training will teach outreach workers, case managers, and other staff members how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. Participants will gain the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care. Participants who complete the full day will receive Mental Health First Aider certification.

For more information or to register your seat, visit

Need Help Brochures and Guidelines to Getting Out Available

Copies of the updated TPCH Need Help and Guidelines to Getting Out resource pamphlets are available.

Contact us to arrange for pickup if you would like additional copies for your outreach teams, program sites, or other community groups.

You can also download and print copies at

TPCH Training Survey

TPCH is planning our training calendar.  We need your input. 

Each year, TPCH is required to provide a number of trainings to meet federal requirements. In addition to those required trainings, many TPCH members have asked for more training opportunities over the course of the year.

To help us plan the training calendar for the coming year, please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey and let us know what types of trainings you would like to see and how you would like those trainings delivered (online, in-person, conference, etc.)

Complete the training survey at

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