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March 22, 2019

City of Tucson to become new Collaborative Applicant

TPCH meetings through April 5

TODAY: Governance & Planning Committee,  8:30-10:00 am,
400 E. 26th St.

Board of Directors –  Tues., March 26, 3:00-5:00pm, Pima County Housing Center,  801 W. Congress St.Outreach Coordination Subcommittee – Thurs., March 28, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross, 2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., March 29, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center,
400 E. 26th St.

Emergency Solutions Subcommittee – Wed., April 3, 10:30am-12:00pm, Library, Trinity Presbyterian Church,
400 E. University Blvd.

Outreach Coordination Subcommittee – Thurs., April 4, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross,
2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., April 5, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center,
400 E. 26th St.

Homeless Youth Subcommittee –  Fri., April 5,  8:30-10:00am, GAP Ministries, 2861 N. Flowing Wells Rd.

Legal Help at night!

The Pima County Bar Association will hold free “Court Night” legal information sessions on Tuesday, March 26, 4:00-5:30 pm and 5:45-7:15 pm at Flowing Wells Community Center, 1660 W. Ruthrauff Road.


See the attached flyers in English and Spanish.

Click here for English flyer

Click here for Spanish flyer


Board terms revised, email nominations by March 31

The TPCH General Council, at its March 12, 2019 special meeting, passed two motions updating our Continuum of Care’s operations and structure. They were:

·  The City of Tucson will become the CoC’s new Collaborative Applicant on an appropriate date as determined by a collaborative transition plan.

·  Article VI of the TPCH Governance Charter is amended to include a maximum of 27 Board members (21 elected) with three-year terms, align the representation more closely with CoC program requirements, and ensure that no more than one-third of elected Board members’ terms end in any single future year. A lottery will determine terms’
end dates.

New and continuing TPCH Board members will be elected at the May 9 TPCH General Council Annual Meeting, 3-4:30 pm, at the Emily Nottingham (Sentinel) Building, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop.

Open positions (new or where the serving director reached term limit) are:

·  Philanthropy

·  First Responder (Law enforcement, Fire Department, etc.)

·  Utility Company

·   CoC Grant Recipient

·   CoC Grant Recipient

·  Local/State Government

·  McKinney-Vento Liaison or School Rep

Positions for which current Board members are eligible for reelection are:

·   Local/State Government, Adriane Clark, Arizona Department of Economic Security

·   Faith-based Organization, Charles Hofker, Gospel Rescue Mission

·   First Responder, Lt. Jamie Brady, Tucson Police Dept.

Any TPCH member may send nominations to the Treasurer and the Governance & Planning Committee chair by March 31.

Banner & Bombas aid homeless March 31

Banner University Medical Center and Bombas Socks will aid people without permanent housing and other underserved people Sunday, March 31, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon) at their South Campus, 2800 E. Ajo Way in front of the Behavioral Health Pavilion.

The Connecting the Community event will serve breakfast burritos and beverages, and offer free: haircuts; first aid kits; sunscreen, hand sanitizer, dog food; diabetes education; diabetic foot screenings; and help signing up for AHCCCS. See and post the attached flyer.

Click here for flyer


Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice

Nelson Mandela

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