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TPCH News - June 21, 2019


Summer Sun Respite Sites Added

New sites have been added to the Summer Sun Respite list.  Download the updated list at

Want to help the Summer Sun effort?  Contact us for a list of donation needs and dropoff locations.

LGBTQ+ 101 Training for Housing & Service Providers

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 - 1pm - 3pm
City of Tucson Community Resource Campus
330 N. Commerce Park Loop, Sentinel Building

Join TPCH and Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation for a free training in Best Practices for Working with LGBTQ People Experiencing Homelessness. Participants will:

  • learn to identify common terms and definitions related to LGBTQ identities
  • explore how stigma and discrimination impact health and outcomes for LGBTQ people
  • build capacity to provide inclusive, affirming services for LGBTQ communities

RSVP for the July 17 training training here. 

This session is the first in a series of LGBTQ-focused housing and service provider trainings to be offered by Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation through the Lighthouse Project over the coming year.  Watch for additional training announcements.

Need Help Brochures and Guidelines to Getting Out Now Available

Copies of the updated TPCH Need Help and Guidelines to Getting Out resource pamphlets are available.

Contact us to arrange for pickup if you would like additional copies for your outreach teams, program sites, or other community groups.

You can also download and print copies at

City/County Seek Consolidated Plan Input

Complete the Survey by June 30, 2019

The City of Tucson and Pima County are seeking community input to inform funding priorities for the joint 5-Year Consolidated Plan.  Please take a few moments to complete the survey below and share your perspectives on community priorities and current trends related to homelessness.

Take the Survey

The Consolidated Plan is designed to help local jurisdictions assess our affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions. Your voice is essential to this process.

Click here to read the current 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan online.

Save the Date: Federal Grant Compliance Training - September 10-11, 2019

TPCH partnering with City of Tucson and Pima County to bring nationally-recognized Federal Grant Compliance Training to Tucson.

TPCH to host federal grants compliance training facilitated by national experts from Thompson Grants. This two-day training, spanning the entire grants lifecycle, will help your team learn how to successfully manage federal grants in compliance with 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance.  Participants will benefit from clear instruction on the most complex and potentially confusing guidance and regulations issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Government Accountability Office (GAO), Treasury and all federal grant-making agencies, so you can take the steps needed to stay in compliance with the complicated, detailed rules that govern federal funding.

This training is intended for finance, grant and contract management, and senior program staff with responsibility for federal grant oversight.  Discounted seats will be reserved for Continuum of Care recipients and Emergency Solutions Grant subrecipients.  Space is limited so watch for further details and sign up fast.

Out of Reach - The Affordable Housing Gap

National Low Income Housing Coalition releases 30th anniversary edition of report on affordable housing shortfalls in the United States

The recently released report illustrates that rental housing continues to be out of reach for millions of low-wage workers and other extremely low-income renters. On average, a full-time worker in the U.S. mustearn $22.96 per hour to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment at thefair market rent and $18.65 for a modest one-bedroom apartment. In nine states and the District of Columbia, full-time workers need toearn more than $25.00 per hour for a modest two-bedroom apartment.

Read the full report and check out the Arizona profile at

TPCH Training Survey

TPCH is planning our training calendar.  We need your input. 

Each year, TPCH is required to provide a number of trainings to meet federal requirements. In addition to those required trainings, many TPCH members have asked for more training opportunities over the course of the year.

To help us plan the training calendar for the coming year, please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey and let us know what types of trainings you would like to see and how you would like those trainings delivered (online, in-person, conference, etc.)

Complete the training survey at

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