TPCH membership is open to all individuals and organizations located or working in Pima County, Arizona who share TPCH’s commitment to preventing and ending homelessness in our region.
If you are ready to prevent and homelessness in Tucson and throughout Pima County, we need you!
TPCH is a community-based coalition of not-for-profit service providers, government agencies, faith organizations, businesses, and community members working together to prevent and end homelessness in Tucson and throughout Pima County.
TPCH membership is open to all individuals and organizations located or working in Pima County, Arizona who share TPCH’s commitment to preventing and ending homelessness in our region. We do this by addressing the underlying issues that contribute to homelessness, promoting cross-sector partnerships and collaboration, and strategically aligning local resources for collective impact.
TPCH coordinates the HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program in Tucson and Pima County including the annual competition for federal McKinney-Vento homelessness assistance funding, oversees the local Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS), and administers the local Coordinated Entry system through which people experiencing or at imminent risk of experiencing homelessness are assessed for and linked to housing resources.
TPCH members play an active role in shaping our communities’ response to homelessness. In addition to making your voice heard, TPCH members receive:
News and updates regarding federal, state, and local policies and initiatives related to homelessness and its underlying causes
Free and discounted training and conference registrations
Opportunities to network with and learn from colleagues and system leaders
Option for letters of support when submitting grant applications aligned with TPCH’s mission and values (Organizational Members)
Recognition of collaborative participation from local, state, and federal funders (Organizational Members)