Emergency Blanket Distribution

Every year TPCH requests thousands of emergency blankets from the federal government to be given to people experiencing homelessness throughout the winter months. These blankets are distributed through community agencies working directly with people experiencing homelessness.  Once the shipment arrives for the season, the blankets are distributed through regular pick-up hours each week until the supply is depleted.  No prior coordination is required, agencies can just show up during distribution hours. 

How to get blankets

2024-2025 Blanket distribution schedule:

Update:  Beginning March 5, blanket pick-up will be by appointment only.  Please reach out to to arrange a pick-up time.

Every Tuesday from 10am-12pm (ending March 4, 2025)
310 N. Commerce Park Loop, in the Northwest corner of the parking lot. 
Follow TPCH signs to the location. 

If you plan to take a large quantity of blankets, we kindly ask that you bring sufficient staff to assist with loading and transportation. HCD staff will be present to provide access but will not be supporting with loading and unloading. 
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