TPCH re-aligned its governance structure and committees in 2020 as part of a community effort to improve system efficiency and expedite our members’ shared goal of preventing and ending homelessness in Tucson and throughout Pima County, Arizona.
As a result of this re-alignment, several TPCH committees were dissolved. Documents and materials for dissolved committees are archived below and available for public inspection.

Continuum of Services Committee

Governance and Planning Committee

Performance Evaluation & Monitoring Committee

Emergency Solutions Subcommittee

Click here for community coalitions addressing emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, and outreach programs.

Homeless Youth Subcommittee

Click here to learn more about our Homeless Youth Coalition.

Outreach Coordination Subcommittee

Click here for information about the TPCH Outreach Coalition.

New to Basecamp?

Basecamp provides a forum for coalition members to communicate directly and share information in real time.  For a brief tutorial of Basecamp, check out this brief video tutorial.

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