Rescheduled: The Coordinated Entry Transfer Process webinar originally scheduled for June 17 has been rescheduled and will now occur on June 23 with additional information about the HUD Emergency Housing Voucher project which will launch on July 1, 2021.
Join TPCH for a Training on the HUD Emergency Housing Voucher project launching July 1, 2021. This training will include review of the Coordinated Entry Project Transfer and Chronic Homelessness Verification Requirements
- A review of the TPCH Coordinated Entry Project Transfer Policy and Process. This process can be used by TPCH housing agencies to initiate transfers of project participants between projects and project types, and is required to initiate a move-on transfer to an Emergency Housing Voucher from safe haven, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing projects.
- A review of the chronic homelessness verification process which is completed within the Homeless Management Information System and is required of projects requesting a transfer of a participant to permanent supportive housing.