TPCH HMIS Committee
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 8683 9100 Passcode: 198843 One tap mobile +12532158782,,89486839100# US (Tacoma)
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 8683 9100 Passcode: 198843 One tap mobile +12532158782,,89486839100# US (Tacoma)
TPCH General Council Meeting: 12:20-2:30pm TPCH Breakout Sessions: 2:45-4:15pm
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 878 7842 3072 Passcode: 708167 One tap mobile +12532158782,,87878423072# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,87878423072# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 878 7842 3072 Find your local number:
Join Zoom Meeting Every second Tuesday, 3-5pm Meeting ID: 874 4880 3826 Passcode: TPCH@pima5 One tap mobile +16694449171,,87448803826# US Dial by your location +1 669 444 9171 US Meeting ID: 874 4880 3826 Find your local number: ________________________________________________________________________________
Hey everyone, as a reminder the Board voted that all meeting are in person as of July 1st. Please enter through the Sentinel building ( for reference this is the same building as the Board meetings take place). Please walk all the down the hall and then make a right, the door is immediately on… Continue Reading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
This meeting will take place in the Sabino Room of the Sentinel Building, which is across the plaza from the City of Tucson office in the Santa Rita Building (to the left as you walk into the plaza).
Hello all! Going forward, this meeting will be held in our new shared space in the Sentinel Building at the City of Tucson offices. This room is past where the board meetings are usually held, but there will be signs directing you. Simply turn left as you enter the plaza, and walk to the end… Continue Reading TPCH Coordinated Entry Committee
This meeting will be held at the El Pueblo Community Safety Hub at 195 W Irvington Rd, Tucson, AZ 85714. For those taking public transit, it is immediately next door to the Laos Transit Center.
Hello, We will now be meeting in our new conference space, as July 1st the Board vote to return person. The conference room is located in the same building as the Board meetings, but you continue down the hallway, make a right and door is immediately on the left. We will have signs out as… Continue Reading TPCH Continuum of Care Program Grant Committee
This meeting will take place in the Sabino Room of the Sentinel Building, which is across the plaza from the City of Tucson office in the Santa Rita Building (to the left as you walk into the plaza).
This meeting will be held in the Sentinel Building in the North section, which is the new meeting space for the Continuum of Care Lead team. The Sentinel Building is to your left as your enter the Commerce Park Loop plaza. Walk down the hall to the very end (past where the CoC Board usually… Continue Reading TPCH System Performance Evaluation Committee
These meetings are held in the new CoC Lead Shared Space in the Sentinel Building at the Community Services Campus. When you enter the plaza, the Sentinel Building is on the left. Walk down the hallway and turn right, then make a quick left to enter the shared space.