Events Calendar

TPCH Built for Zero Coalition

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 878 7842 3072 Passcode: 708167 One tap mobile +12532158782,,87878423072# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,87878423072# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 878 7842 3072 Find your local number:

TPCH System Performance Evaluation Committee

Join Zoom Meeting Every second Tuesday, 3-5pm Meeting ID: 874 4880 3826 Passcode: TPCH@pima5 One tap mobile +16694449171,,87448803826# US Dial by your location +1 669 444 9171 US Meeting ID: 874 4880 3826 Find your local number: ________________________________________________________________________________

TPCH Built for Zero Coalition

320 N Commerce Park Loop; , Sentinel Building

This meeting will take place in the Sabino Room of the Sentinel Building, which is across the plaza from the City of Tucson office in the Santa Rita Building (to the left as you walk into the plaza).

TPCH Coordinated Entry Committee

320 N Commerce Park Loop Tucson, AZ, United States

Hello all! Going forward, this meeting will be held in our new shared space in the Sentinel Building at the City of Tucson offices. This room is past where the board meetings are usually held, but there will be signs directing you. Simply turn left as you enter the plaza, and walk to the end… Continue Reading TPCH Coordinated Entry Committee

TPCH Continuum of Care Board Meeting

195 W. Irvington Road, Tucson, Arizona 85714

This meeting will be held at the El Pueblo Community Safety Hub at 195 W Irvington Rd, Tucson, AZ 85714. For those taking public transit, it is immediately next door to the Laos Transit Center.

TPCH Built for Zero Coalition

310 N. Commerce Park Loop 101 S Sentinel Peak Rd, Tucson, AZ, United States

This meeting will take place in the Sabino Room of the Sentinel Building, which is across the plaza from the City of Tucson office in the Santa Rita Building (to the left as you walk into the plaza).

TPCH HMIS Committee

320 N Commerce Park Loop Tucson, AZ, United States

These meetings are held in the new CoC Lead Shared Space in the Sentinel Building at the Community Services Campus. When you enter the plaza, the Sentinel Building is on the left. Walk down the hallway and turn right, then make a quick left to enter the shared space.

TPCH Continuum of Care Program Grant Committee

Topic: TPCH CoC Program Grant Committee Join Zoom Meeting Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 7322 1172 Passcode: coc_TPCH1! One tap mobile +16699006833,,81473221172#,,,,*9800434414# US (San Jose) +17193594580,,81473221172#,,,,*9800434414# US Meeting ID: 814 7322 1172 Passcode: 9800434414 Find your local number:… Continue Reading TPCH Continuum of Care Program Grant Committee

TPCH Mini Job / Resource Fair

320 N. Commerce Park Loop Tucson, AZ, United States

This mini resource and job fair will be held in the Sentinel Building at the Community Resources Campus at 320 N. Commerce Park Loop. Signs will guide attendees toward the entrance.

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