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April 26, 2019

Board nominations continue

Items of interest

City/County co-located
Warrant Resolution Court event set May 8

The next in a series of co-located warrant resolution court session for the City of Tucson and Pima County is set for Wednesday, May 8 at Pima County Consolidated Justice Court, 240 N. Stone Avenue.

   The schedules and telephone contact numbers are:

  • 4:00 – 7:00 pm, Pima County Consolidated Justice Court, (520) 724-3171.
  • 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Tucson City Court, (520) 791-4216.

Local service providers
set Summer Sun sites

Tucson’s heat is rising and people experiencing homelessness will soon seek to escape the heat and sun.

CLICK HERE for a list of Summer Sun relief sites.

Also you can CLICK HERE for a flyer to remind generous people where to share heat-survival supplies with those who need them. Please post both!

Send names to G&P Committee Chair
and Board Treasurer through May 1

Nominations are re-opened for Board seats elections at the May 9 General Council meeting (3:00-4:30 pm, City of Tucson Sentinel Building, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop), TPCH members may nominate for the following seats through noon on Wednesday, May 1, 2019.

  • Philanthropy
  • First Responder (Law enforcement, Fire Department, etc.)
    (2 open seats)
  • Utility Company
  • CoC Grant Recipient
    (2 open seats)
  • Local/State Government
    (2 open seats)
  • McKinney-Vento Liaison or School Rep
  • Faith-based Organization
    (2 open seats)

Send your nominations to both G&P Chair Steve Nelson and Board Treasurer Linda Kot. You may click here or, if your email does not allow automated email links, email both and by noon on May 1.

See, subscribe to TPCH meetings
calendar at

Click the link above or type the text into your web browser address box. Click on the “Subscribe” button in the calendar’s lower right corner, choose your calendar and follow the on-screen directions.

Vancouver provides bus bench shelters for people sleeping outdoors, click here.


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