About TPCH

Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness (TPCH) is a coalition of community and faith-based organizations, homeless service providers, government entities, behavioral health agencies, and individuals committed to the mission of ending homelessness and addressing the issues related to homelessness in our community.
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Our Goals

  • End homelessness in Tucson and Pima County, Arizona.
  • Provide leadership, expertise and advice to local planning and funding bodies on issues that impact services to people experiencing homelessness.
  • Increase community awareness and support for people experiencing homelessness, homeless issues, and homeless issues
  • Develop systems-level programming and coordinate agencies for implementation, and 
  • Act as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) for the geographic area of the City of Tucson and Pima County, Arizona.

Our Work

TPCH’s Board of Directors and committees work year-round to:

  • identify service and resource gaps and significant trends in homeless populations through evaluation
  • develop priorities, based on these trends and gaps, for improving the service network
  • identify and apply for funding opportunities aligned with TPCH priorities
  • strategically plan to end homelessness in Pima County

Our Structure

TPCH is comprised of an elected board and committees that focus on various parts of the homeless response system.  TPCH convenes and coordinates community partners to create a forum for community consensus on needs and homeless service delivery, but does not provide direct services. If you are in need of housing services, please call 311.

Click on Committees in the menu to see TPCH committees and their work.

TPCH Continuum of Care Board

The Continuum of Care Board is an independent body comprised of community stakeholders who are committed to furthering TPCH's work to prevent and end homelessness in Tucson and throughout Pima County. The CoC Board serves as the primary decision-making body for the TPCH and oversees regional planning and funding activities conducted by TPCH.

Board Officers

Chairperson: Shannon Fowler, Program Coordinator, University of Arizona SIROW

Vice-chairperson: Bernadette Unterbrink, Senior Manager of HCI, Community Bridges, Inc.

Treasurer: Taylor Miranda, Program Development Manager, Connections Health Solutions - Crisis Response Center

Vanessa Gonzalez
Anna Santa Cruz
Yvette Gonzales
Magali Lopez
Mike Edmonds
Darius Miles
Danell Jessup
Maria Wildey
Paula Dwornicki
Colleen McDonald
Alyzdee Molina
Lisa Floran
Daniel Kuhlman
Ana Lucero

Past Meeting Minutes

Continuum of Care Board Calendar

General Council

The TPCH General Council is our collaboration’s membership body, which meets quarterly on the second Thursday of February, May (our Annual Meeting), August, and November. It is composed of two types of members:

  1. General Members, anyone who is interested in ending homelessness and in issues related to homelessness, attends meetings, and engages in discussion.  TPCH welcome's a wide variety of perspectives and individuals from aligned services are encouraged to join.
  2. Voting Members, those members who regularly participate in both General Council and committee meetings and fill out and submit a membership form. Voting Members make and second motions, vote on motions and elect members of the TPCH Continuum of Care Board and committees to open seats at the Annual Meeting.

To become a voting member, an agency or individual must.

  • Complete and submit a membership or renewal form; and
  • Attend two consecutive TPCH General Council meetings. 
  • Retain voting privileges by continuing to attend at least one committee meeting each quarter and attend at least every other General Council meeting (that is, not miss two consecutive General Council meetings).

TPCH welcomes a wide variety of perspectives and individuals from both homeless service providers and aligned services are encouraged to join us as either of a General or Voting Member. To become a TPCH Voting Member, begin attending meetings and fill out the membership form at

In 2023, the TPCH General Council voted to require all General Council members to renew their organizational memberships annually between July 1 and September 30th. Please visit the membership roster below to determine if your organization's membership needs renewal. If your membership is not listed, your renewal has not been captured by the Continuum of Care Lead and a new form must be submitted at the link above. 

Past Meeting Minutes

General Council Calendar

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