Help TPCH prepare the Continuum of Care (CoC) application for Tucson/Pima County. The CoC Application plays a critical role in our ability to retain and increase HUD funding for housing and services for people experiencing homelessness throughout Pima County. Each session will include a review of draft application sections and the opportunity to suggest improvements to our community’s funding application.
Download the full community input series schedule with topic details and registration links.
Addressing Youth and Family Homelessness: Coordination with Educational Systems and Providers (1C-4), Informing Youth and Families of Educational Rights (1C-4a)
*Included as part of regularly scheduled Homeless Youth Coalition Meeting
October 7, 2021, 3pm-5pm
System Performance – Housing: Housing First Implementation (1C-9), Improving HMIS Bed Coverage Rate (2A-5a), Reducing First Time Homelessness (2C-1), Reducing Length of Time Homeless (2C-2), Increasing Exits to Permanent Housing Destinations (2C-3), Reducing Returns to Homelessness (2C-4)
October 11, 2021, 9am-11am
Promoting Equity and Inclusion: Addressing the Needs of LGBTQ+ Persons (1C-6), Efforts to Promote Racial Equity in Homelessness (1C-15c)
*Included as part of regularly scheduled Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Meeting
October 11, 2021 1pm-2:30pm
System Performance – Employment, Income, Benefits: Promoting Attainment of Mainstream Benefits (1C-13a), Increasing Employment Cash Income (2C-5), Workforce Development and Education/Training (2C-5a), Increasing Non-Employment Cash Income (2C-5b)
October 14, 2021, 9:30am-11am
System Performance - Outreach and Coordinated Entry: Street Outreach Approaches (1C-10), Coordinated Entry System (1C-14), Adjusting Coordinated Entry to Account for Rapid Changes During COVID-19 Pandemic (1D-8)
October 18, 2021, 1pm-2:30pm
Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: COVID-19 Safety Protocols (1D-1), Improving Readiness for Future Health Emergencies (1D-2), Coordination to Distribute ESG-CV Funds (1D-3), Coordination with Mainstream Health Resources (1D-4), Communicating Information to Homeless Service Providers (1D-5), Identifying Persons Eligible for Vaccination (1D-6)
October 21, 2021, 1pm-3pm
Addressing Domestic Violence: Training Providers to Address Needs of DV Survivors (1C-5), Using De-Identified Aggregate Data to Assess Special Needs of DV Survivors (1C-5a), DV Safety Protocols in Coordinated Entry (1C-5b), Addressing Possible Increase in DV During the COVID-19 Pandemic (1D-7), Receipt of De-Identified Aggregate Data from Comparable Database (2A-4.2), Comparable Database Bed Coverage Rate (2A-5b.1)
October 25, 2021, 1pm-3pm