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TPCH Announcements - September 6, 2019

New Rapid Rehousing and Permanent Supportive Housing Project Applications Selected for Submission to HUD

TPCH has selected four new project applications for rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing which will be included in this year's Continuum of Care Program application to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development through reallocation, CoC Bonus, and DV Bonus opportunities. The selected projects include:

Our Family Services - Home Again RRH Expansion ($208,358 - reallocation funding)

Community Bridges, Inc. - CBI Tucson PSH Project ($208,357 - reallocation funding, $208,358 CoC Bonus)

Pima County - Project Advent RRH Expansion ($208,357 CoC Bonus)

Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse - Supporting Survivors of Domestic Abuse through RRH ($205,628 - DV Bonus)

We would like to thank the community volunteers who committed their time and insight to the review and selection of new project applications. A very special thank you to Danielle Beaudry, John Roldan, Claudia Powell, Allison Davis, Kent Burbank, Barbara Montrose, Rachel Tineo, Daniela Figueroa, and Imelda Esquer!

TPCH Selected for HUD Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program & A Way Home America Grand Challenge!

TPCH has been selected to participate in two incredible initiatives to end youth homelessness! As we previously communicated, we were selected as one of 23 communities across the nation to participate in Round 3 of the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program. Local organizations will receive a total of $4.558M over the next two years to launch innovative housing solutions addressing youth homelessness throughout Pima County. This initiative will be led by Our Family Services and the TPCH Youth Action Committee in partnership with the City of Tucson.

Earlier this week, A Way Home America also announced that we are one of 10 communities selected to participate in the A Way Home America Grand Challenge! Through this initiative, TPCH will receive two years of intensive technical assistance and support to advance efforts to prevent and end youth homelessness among disparately impacted LGBTQ+ youth and youth of color. This initiative will be led by the University of Arizona Southwest Institute for Research on Women and the TPCH Youth Action Committee in partnership with Our Family Services, Youth On Their Own, the City of Tucson, and Pima County Sullivan Jackson Employment Center.

Stay tuned for more updates on these exciting initiatives!


City of Tucson and Pima County to Host Consolidated Planning Forums

The City of Tucson and Pima County invite all TPCH members and community stakeholders to participate in a series of consolidated planning forums related to housing and homelessness. Each forum will include a panel discussion of existing community infrastructure, gaps, and needs with opportunities to provide community input into the Joint City/County Consolidated Plan which will be submitted to HUD and used to guide Federal and local strategies and funding investments over the next 5 years.

Please see the TPCH calendar at www.tpch/net/calendar or the list below for forum details and locations. For more information, contact

Tuesday, September 17

10:00am - Low-Barrier Shelter and Housing
City of Tucson - 320 N. Commerce Park Loop
Low‐barrier shelter and housing accept people as they are and provide a safe place for those who may have no other options. The nonprofit and private sectors have implemented successful approaches to low‐barrier shelter and housing, yet expanding low‐barrier shelter and housing availability remains a challenge.

1:00pm - Homelessness Prevention & Housing Stability for Vulnerable Populations
City of Tucson - 320 N. Commerce Park Loop

There are many pathways into and out of homelessness. While people experiencing homelessness share the common problem of a lack of access to safe, decent affordable housing, service providers are increasingly recognizing that understanding the distinct challenges of youth, previously‐incarcerated people, and very‐low income households can help to ensure the appropriate supports and services are provided.

3:00pm - Preventing Repeat Homelessness
City of Tucson - 320 N. Commerce Park Loop

New research, innovation, and best practices have all contributed to reducing homelessness, yet many once homeless individuals find themselves re‐experiencing homelessness after a period of housing stability. The health, justice, child protection, and systems all play a major role in housing stability and taking joint responsibility to work together can help reduce repeat homelessness.

Wednesday, September 18

1:00pm - Mixed-Income & Workforce Housing
City of Tucson - 320 N. Commerce Park Loop

Mixed‐income and workforce housing approaches can help to get additional permanently‐affordable units built, ensure high‐quality housing, and de-concentrate poverty. Yet mixed‐income development is complex, presents unique risks, and may ultimately house fewer low‐income families. Community context, the local housing market, financing options, whether to develop for rental or ownership, and who will be served are essential considerations.

3:00pm - Anchor Institutions & Investments
City of Tucson - 320 N. Commerce Park Loop

Anchor institutions such as hospitals, universities, corporations and large nonprofits play a pivotal role in employing people at multiple employment levels, improving schools, and supporting civic, cultural and business opportunities. These institutions can play a vital role in providing neighborhood housing, and learning and economic opportunities.

6:00pm - The Role of HUD Funding in Neighborhood Preservation
City of Tucson - 320 N. Commerce Park Loop

Learn how HUD and related resources have been invested in Tucson and Pima County over the past three years and share your thoughts and ideas about using those resources to preserve neighborhood and community character and build new opportunities for residents.

Thursday, September 19

10:00am - Rural Community Needs Roundtable Discussion
Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center, 1660 W Ruthrauff Rd., Tucson, AZ 85705

Join a discussion of the challenges of homelessness outreach and services in small towns and rural areas.

11:30am - Improving Access to Healthy Food/Local Food Eco-Systems
Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center, 1660 W Ruthrauff Rd., Tucson, AZ 85705

Access to healthy food is essential to the health and productivity of community residents and consequently to the
overall health of the community. Access to healthy foods is increased when local food production, processing, distribution and retail work together to build strong markets for healthy foods.

1:15pm - Centralizing Resources
Flowing Wells Family Resource Center, 4545 N. La Cholla Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85705

Schools can be an important and centralized location for services for families. Join us for a school field trip and brief tour of the Flowing Wells Family Resource Center and learn about how they serve the community.

2:00pm - Multi-Purpose/Hybrid Facilities
Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center, 1660 W Ruthrauff Rd., Tucson, AZ 85705

Multi‐purpose centers can provide essential services to vulnerable residents while improving the community economy, and health, cultural, technological and education outcomes. Join us for a tour of the Ellie Towne Flowing Wells Community Center and learn how this center was designed to provide sustain a range of service and opportunities.


TPCH Board Approves Performance Standards for Emergency Solutions Grant Recipients & Subrecipients

At its August 2019 meeting, the TPCH Board approved new performance standards for all Emergency Solutions Grant program components. Consistent with the CoC and ESG Performance Evaluation and Monitoring Policy, the HMIS Lead will report performance of all ESG-funded projects operating in Pima County to the CoC and to the region's three ESG recipients (City of Tucson HCD, Pima County CDNC, Arizona Department of Economic Security) quarterly. The TPCH Performance Evaluation and Monitoring Committee will review performance reports and collaborate with ESG recipietns and subrecipients to implement opportunities to strengthen project and system performance through capacity-building and technical assistance offerings throughout the year.

The approved ESG Performance Standards are published at


TPCH Board Approves CoC Project Reallocation Policy

The TPCH Board has approved a formal policy to guide CoC project reallocation. The new policy will affect renewal projects in the Fiscal Year 2020 CoC Program Competition and later. This policy, which was adopted by the Board at its August 27 meeting, replaces the current Involuntary Reallocation as a Result of Underspending Policy and outlines policies and procedures for both voluntary and involuntary reallocation as a result of project performance, spending, financial and management capacity, and community needs.

All CoC project recipients and subrecipients are encouraged to review the approved policy at and to direct any questions to


Save the Date: TPCH to Host Community Dialogue and Learning Sessions on Race, Gender, and Economic Disparity

January 6 & 7, 2019

This January, TPCH will partner with Our Family Services' Center for Community Dialogue and Training and the National Association for Community Mediation to host a 2-day work session on conflict management and restorative justice practices as they relate to our work to address racial, gender, and economic disparity in housing and services for people experiencing homelessness.

This is an important next step in our current work to analyze and address disparities within our housing system and a fantastic opportunity for our coalition to build skills in conflict resolution, negotiation, and restorative justice practices that can be used in each of our organizations as well as in our collaborative activities as part of TPCH. Please save the date and watch for more details in the coming months!


Need Help Brochures and Guidelines to Getting Out Available

Copies of the updated TPCH Need Help and Guidelines to Getting Out resource pamphlets are available.

Contact us to arrange for pickup if you would like additional copies for your outreach teams, program sites, or other community groups.

You can also download and print copies at


TPCH Training Survey

TPCH is planning our training calendar. We need your input.

Each year, TPCH is required to provide a number of trainings to meet federal requirements. In addition to those required trainings, many TPCH members have asked for more training opportunities over the course of the year.

To help us plan the training calendar for the coming year, please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey and let us know what types of trainings you would like to see and how you would like those trainings delivered (online, in-person, conference, etc.)

Complete the training survey at

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