TPCH Public Documents

Access all essential documents related to TPCH (Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness). Here, you'll find a comprehensive archive of governance protocols, annual reports, HUD-required notices, and grant applications. This resource provides transparent access to vital information, supporting our stakeholders and community in their collaborative efforts.

January Housing Inventory Charts (HIC) and Point in Time (PIT) Counts

Each year during the last 10 days of January, each Continuum of Care (CoC) across the nation takes a one-night snapshot of all housing dedicated (or restricted) for use by people experiencing homelessness (HIC) and of the number of persons experiencing homelessness (PIT). Here are the numbers for Pima County.

[NOTE: The HIC PIT presentation is a PowerPoint summarizing results. The following two reports are the numbers submitted to HUD. The first is for context, the other two for specific data.]

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