TPCH Newsletter - September 2022 |
IN THIS ISSUE Project Applications for FY 2022 HUD Supplemental Funding due Monday, September 19, 2022 UA SIROW releases census updates to Housing Insecurity and Potential Homelessness Report TPCH Releases 2022 Progress Report to the 2020 Strategic Plan Featured Blog Post: Addressing Encampments Additional Summer Sun Cooling Stations Available for People Experiencing Homelessness Resource Corner: Upcoming Tools, Trainings, and Resources Project Applications for FY 2022 HUD Supplemental Funding for Unsheltered Homelessness due Monday, September 19, 2022 ![]() Pre-Proposal Conference on the Supplemental NOFO to be held on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 On August 12, 2022, TPCH released its local application for the the FY 2022 HUD Supplemental Funding Opportunity to address Unsheltered Homelessness. On Tuesday, September 6, 2022 from 1-2:30 PM Arizona time, TPCH will host a pre-proposal conference for interested project applicants. All interested and potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-proposal conference. The conference will be held virtually using Zoom software. Registration is required. Register online at Please email if accessibility assistance or translation in languages other than English is required at least five days before the pre-proposal conference. All applications for FY 2022 Continuum of Care Supplemental Unsheltered Program funds are due no later than 12pm Arizona time (noon) on September 19, 2022. Pre-Proposal Conference All interested and potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-proposal conference scheduled for September 6, 2022 from 1:00pm-2:30pm Arizona time. The pre-proposal conference will be held virtually using Zoom software. Registration is required. REGISTER FOR THE PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE HERE. Unsheltered Homelessness Brings Together Over One-Hundred Community Stakeholders TPCH Releases Request for Proposals for In-Kind Grant Opportunity: LGBTQ+ Equity and Inclusion Technical Assistance and Consulting. Proposals due to August 17, 2022 by 11:59pm Arizona time. Click here to download the Request for Proposals. The two-day Unsheltered Homelessness Forum held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona Campus had more than one hundred community members attend in person to help chart a community plan to end unsheltered homelessness. With facilitation from staff at the Corporation for Supportive Housing, attendees explored strategies to address unsheltered homelessness that will be adopted during the continuum's FUSE (Frequent User System Engagement) Initiative. KGUN 9 featured insights from some of the attendees, including residents of the Wildcat Inn. Click on the photo above or use this link to access the segment. For those who could not attend the public sessions in person, both recordings are available to view on the City of Tucson Department of Housing and Community Development YouTube page. WATCH THE RECORDED PUBLIC SESSIONS HERE. U of A Southwest Institute for Research on Women Releases Census Updates U of A Southwest Institute for Research on Women releases census updates to Housing Insecurity and Potential Homelessness Report The University of Arizona Southwest Institute for Research on Women has released its thirty-sixth update to its report on Housing Insecurity Indicators and Potential Homelessness Estimates for Arizona and Pima County. This report measures current housing insecurity with newer census data. Without further analysis the causes of this locally are unclear, but the prime suspects are rising rents and the lingering aftermaths of the pandemic for the household budgets of lower-income households (via death, illness, and changes in employment and caretaking responsibilities. READ THE REPORT HERE. Additional Summer Sun Cooling Stations Available for People Experiencing Homelessness In readiness for instances of extreme heat, the City of Tucson and the Pima County Kino Service Center will have available cooling center locations. The information is available for download, click on the images below. As temperatures rise, please continue to share the following resources widely. Download the 2022 Summer Sun Cooling Station flyer (English and Spanish) here. For a map of these cooling centers. hydration stations, pools and splash pads, see this link. TPCH Releases 2022 Progress Report to the 2020 Strategic Plan The Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness published it's 2022 Progress Report on the 2020 TPCH Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan was created in 2020 before the onset of the coronavirus, and the pandemic no doubt resulted in setbacks to our shared plan to prevent and end homelessness. However, the community has been resilient and indicators in bed utilization and returns to homelessness have demonstrated improvement. READ THE PROGRESS REPORT HERE. Featured Blog Post: There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Address Encampments Communities everywhere are grappling with the crisis of unsheltered homelessness. As the community comes off its #TucsonForum on unsheltered homelessness, these challenges continue even as the Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness applies for the new funding made available for unsheltered homelessness from the Biden Administration. The National Alliance to End Homelessness has recently published a blog post from Los Angeles, where best practices in outreach, shared housing, and new models of multi-sector collaboration to create more affordable housing are paying off. Read the blogpost by clicking on the button below. READ THE BLOGPOST HERE. Resource Corner: Tools, Conference Opportunities and Upcoming Trainings MONKEYPOX GUIDANCE FOR SERVICE PROVIDERS SERVING PEOPLE LIVING IN CONGREGATE SETTINGS The National Health Care for the Homeless Council has gathered several resources from the Center for Disease Control and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council to advise service providers on how to safely serve those living in encampments or other congregate settings. Those are listed here:Fact Sheet: Monkeypox and People Experiencing Homelessness (National Health Care for the Homeless Council) Considerations for Reducing Monkeypox Transmission in Congregate Living Settings (CDC) FREE CHEST BINDERS AVAILABLE TO TRANS AND NONBINARY YOUTH IN NEED Point of Pride provides free chest binders (specially-designed chest compression garments) to any trans person who needs one and cannot afford or safely obtain one. Please visit the website using this link for information and instructions for how to apply to this program: NATIONAL ALLIANCE TO END HOMELESSNESS HOUSING FIRST WEBINAR SERIES The National Low Income Housing Coalition, National Alliance to End Homelessness, and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities have teamed up in a four-part series on homelessness and Housing First. The remaining sessions of this series will be held on September 12th and 28th, 2022 at 2:30 PM EST (*note this is Eastern time, times are 11:30 AM Arizona time). Register here to attend. NATIONAL ALLIANCE TO END HOMELESSNESS PRESSURE POINTS SERIES The Alliance’s new Pressure Points Resource Series outlines specific strategies, practices, and philosophies that can help relieve the pressures experienced by providers and systems alike. PREPARING FOR THE NOFO WITH THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE TO END HOMELESSNESS SYSTEM SERIES The 2022 SYSTEM Series is a new collection of webinars, blog posts, and resources designed to help communities build more effective systems to end homelessness. The updated series addresses emerging priorities in the field, as well as insights on issues and areas the Alliance expects HUD to prioritize in the upcoming NOFO. SEPTEMBER EVENTS TPCH Meetings & Training Events Meetings and events added regularly. Find details and locations on the TPCH calendar at September 1, 3pm Homeless Youth Coalition September 6, 1pm TPCH Supplemental Unsheltered NOFO Pre-Proposal Conference September 8, 5:30pm Youth Action Committee September 9, 9am Built for Zero Coalition September 13, 1pm Community Outreach Coalition September 14, 10:30am Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee September 14, 3pm Homeless Management Information System Meeting September 22, 1pm Coordinated Entry Committee September 22, 5:30pm Youth Action Committee September 27, 3pm Continuum of Care Board Meeting For the most up-to-date meeting information, visit the TPCH calendar at |