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TPCH Continuum of Care Board announces call for Board and Committee Applications – Applications due June 9, 2021

TPCH Continuum of Care Board announces call for Board and Committee Applications

Applications due Wednesday, June 9, 2021

 The TPCH Governance Charter permits the Continuum of Care Board to appoint representatives to fill mid-term vacancies on the TPCH CoC Board and Committees.  There are currently several vacant CoC Board and Committee seats.  Persons appointed to these vacancies will begin their service in July 2021 and fill the remainder of the current term ending June 30, 2022.  At the end of the current term, appointees will be eligible for re-election by the TPCH voting membership for up two additional two-year terms.

The CoC Board especially encourages applications from persons with lived experience of homelessness, LGBTQ+ persons, and Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Interested persons should complete the online application form using the links provided below.


2 seats available for persons with lived experience of homelessness within past five years.  Applications submitted by persons without lived experience of homelessness in the past five years will not be considered.

Click here to apply to fill a vacant CoC Board seat.


Committee seats reserved for persons with lived experience of homelessness may be filled by persons with any form of lived experience as self-identified by the applicant which may include, but is not limited to, unaccompanied youth homelessness, doubled up experiences, prior eviction, and/or participation in homeless or public housing/Section 8 programs at any point in the applicant’s lifetime.

Click here to apply for one or more vacant TPCH committee seats.

HMIS Committee: 2 seats available, 1 of which is reserved for persons with lived experience of homelessness. Ideal candidates have experience with the Homeless Management Information System, data analysis, and/or data governance.

Coordinated Entry Committee: 4 seats available, 2 of which are reserved for persons with lived experience of homelessness. Ideal candidates have experience with the Coordinated Entry system as a consumer, HMIS Administrator, access point, and/or project accepting referrals.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: 3 seats available (may be filled by persons with or without lived experience of homelessness. Ideal candidates have a demonstrated commitment to racial equity, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and citizenship/immigration issues, as well as experience with data analysis, policy development, and community change initiatives.

Continuum of Care Program Grant Committee: 3 seats available, 1 of which is reserved for persons with lived experience of homelessness. Not more than 1 seat will be filled by persons representing organizations that receive CoC Program funding. Ideal candidates have an understanding of the CoC program and experience with data analysis, funding competitions, and program evaluation.

System Performance Evaluation Committee: 2 seats available (may be filled by persons with or without lived experience of homelessness).  Ideal candidates have experience with data analysis, community change initiatives, and evaluation.

Click here to review the TPCH Code of Conduct.

Click here to review the TPCH Conflict of Interest Policy.

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