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TPCH Announces In-Kind Grant Opportunity: LGBTQ+ Equity and Inclusion Technical Assistance & Consulting

Photo Credit: Disabled and Here

TPCH Releases Request for Proposals for In-Kind Grant Opportunity: LGBTQ+ Equity and Inclusion Technical Assistance and Consulting.

Proposals due to August 17, 2022 by 11:59pm Arizona time.

Click here to download the Request for Proposals.


Homeless services, programs, and policies can systematically disadvantage and/or discriminate against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and other persons of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. When people experience homelessness, trauma, substance use, and mental health challenges, their housing stability is further undermined by discrimination, bias, and stigma. 

Equity is a strategy to address those disparities and achieve truly fair access, opportunity, and outcomes for all.

TPCH provides opportunities for local homeless service organizations to further their work and our collective impact as it relates to identifying and addressing barriers to equity and inclusion. As part of this important work, TPCH is happy to announce this in-kind grant opportunity for TPCH member agencies to receive up to 25 hours of LGBTQ+ Equity and Inclusion technical assistance and consulting. The value of this in-kind opportunity is $3,750 per participating organization, fully subsidized by TPCH and at no cost to the participating organization.


TPCH will select up to three organizations to participate in this in-kind grant opportunity. Technical assistance and coaching services will be provided by LGBTQ+ Equity and Inclusion professionals at the University of Arizona Southwest Institute for Research on Women during the period of September-December, 2022. Each selected organization will develop a tailored technical assistance plan with SIROW based on their individual needs. Technical assistance offerings available include:

  1. Deep Dive LGBTQ+ Equity Training
  2. Supervisor and Administrative Professional Training
  3. Date Analysis and Share-Out
  4. Policy Review and Recommendations
  5. Document Review and Recommendations
  6. Programming Review and Recommendations
  7. Customized Troubleshooting Sessions

Learn More and Apply

TPCH member organizations are encouraged to apply and take advantage of this in-kind grant opportunity.

Download the Request for Proposals to learn more about this opportunity and for application instructions. Please contact with any questions.

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