TPCH General Council Updates, Attendance, and Voting Privileges Community Notice

TPCH Membership Met on Thursday, February 15, 2024 


TPCH Membership Met on Thursday, February 15, 2024 from 12:30-2:30 PM

General Meeting Updates

TPCH General Council had quorum for this meeting and discussed many committee and coalition updates, including system changes for Coordinated Entry and an update on the Housing Central Command Initiative, launched with the implementation of five projects funded by the Supplemental Notice of Funding Opportunity to Address Unsheltered Homelessness (Special NOFO).

One breakout session also brainstormed new community strategies for effective discharge planning from institutions for people experiencing homelessness. This workgroup is ongoing, and those interested in participating are encouraged to reach out to Representatives of the justice services, healthcare, and child welfare systems are especially encouraged to participate. 

Update to the TPCH Governance Charter 

Feedback garnered from TPCH committee and board leadership has led to robust conversations about the need for our Continuum of Care to respond quickly to challenges. The Housing Central Command initiative has shown the power of making decisions in real-time based on evidence-based approaches. To ensure that committees can react to system challenges in a nimble and collaborative manner, the following motion was approved by the General Council: 

Motion: to add the following language to the TPCH Governance Charter clarifying the purpose of TPCH Committees: 

“While each committee is operating within its domain, they are able to make decisions on behalf of the CoC with the following exceptions:
a) decisions that would also impact another committee's domain, and
b) decisions with financial implications.”

View the updated Governance Charter here.  

Attendance and Voting Status Updates 

Section 2.04 of the Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness Governance Charter requires that the CoC Lead Agency/Collaborative Applicant publish a list of members gaining voting privileges, at risk of losing voting privileges, and having lost voting privileges within one month following each General Council meeting. The last TPCH General Council meeting was held on Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 12:30-2:30 PM. 

Per the TPCH Governance Charter, voting privileges are assigned to TPCH members in attendance at two of the three immediately preceding General Council meetings. For a list of members now eligible to vote as a result of attending this meeting, see the TPCH Voting Member Roster. 

If you believe your voting privileges are not accurately reported here, please email

City of Tucson and Pima County Invite Community Members to Public Meeting Regarding Proposed Use of FY 2025 HUD Program Funds


City of Tucson and Pima County Invite TPCH Members to Public Meeting Regarding Proposed Use of FY 2025 HUD Program Funds

Notice of Public Hearing

City of Tucson-Pima County Consortium Federal Fiscal Year 2025 HUD Annual Action Plan

The City of Tucson and Pima County receive federal funds to support housing and community development activities through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD requires that the consortium to develop an Annual Action Plan which outlines the needs, priorities and strategies for housing, supportive services, and community development programs to be undertaken with HUD program funds.  The Annual Action Plan additionally serves as the local government’s application for annual entitlement funding through HUD’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs.  The City of Tucson and Pima County will host two public hearings regarding the FY 2025 Annual Action Plan on March 14, 2024:

Public Hearing (English Language): March 14, 1:00pm (Virtual – Zoom)
Public Hearing (Spanish Language): March 14, 5:30pm (Virtual – Zoom)

Register to attend the virtual public meetings at

For accommodations; materials in accessible formats; foreign language interpreters; and/or materials in a language other than English, please contact the City of Tucson Housing and Community Development Department, Susan Spiess, (520) 837-5311 or call (520) 791-2639 for TDD at least 5 business days in advance.

TPCH General Council Meets February 15, 2024

Join us for the quarterly General Council meeting of the TPCH membership.  This meeting will be held in person at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, located at 5049 E Broadway.

For a list of members eligible to vote in this meeting, see the TPCH Voting Member Roster linked below. 

Please note that the meeting will be 12:30pm - 2:30pm, followed by additional training opportunities 2:45pm - 4:15pm.

Summary Meeting Agenda

Roll Call and Consent Agenda

Jocelyn Muzzin, Continuum of Care Board Chairperson


Community Celebrations

Jocelyn Muzzin, Continuum of Care Board Chairperson


CoC Lead Updates

Elaine MacPherson, Continuum of Care Lead Agency (City of Tucson)


Board Updates

Jocelyn Muzzin, Continuum of Care Board Chairperson

Motion: to add the following language to the TPCH Governance Charter clarifying the purpose of TPCH Committees:

“While each committee is operating within its domain, they are able to make decisions on behalf of the CoC with the following exceptions:
a) decisions that would also impact another committee's domain, and
b) decisions with financial implications.”


Housing Central Command Updates

Austin Puca, Continuum of Care Manager


Committee and Coalition Updates

Committee and Coalition Representatives


Sessions Offered:

Community Discussion on Discharge Planning
(Facilitated by the CoC Lead)

Outreach Teams: New Waves of Street Drugs and Things to Look Out For

(Facilitated by Sergeant Jack Julsing and Lieutenant Matt Brady of the Tucson Police Department)


Download the Meeting Materials:

TPCH General Council Meeting Draft Agenda (February 2024)

TPCH Voting Member Roster as of November 2023

TPCH General Council Meeting Minutes (November 2023)

DRAFT TPCH Governance Charter Revisions

TPCH to Host Overview of the Housing Central Command Initiative

TPCH to Host Overview of the Housing Central Command Initiative


Thursday, January 18, 2024

320 N. Commerce Park Loop, Tucson, AZ 85745

Sentinel Building

9:00-11:00 AM

 The TPCH Program Grant Committee is hosting a series of sessions on performance in our Continuum of Care related to bed utilization, grant expenditure, and prompt access to housing. Previously, the committee held a discussion on increasing income for participants enrolled in housing programs.

In the spirit of our collective goal to utilize all available funded beds, expend all grant funds, and rapidly house people experiencing homelessness,  TPCH leadership welcomes the community to attend an overview of the recently launched TPCH Housing Central Command initiative. The Housing Central Command initiative is based on a crisis response model developed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to rehouse people after natural disasters.  In our community's partnership with the Housing Central Command team, we are exploring the many ways our system can be retooled to optimize services and rapidly house people experiencing unsheltered homelessness.

All perspectives interested in learning more about our system improvement efforts are welcome at this conversation.

Those who attend the session can expect to learn: 

Register here to attend the session.

TPCH General Council Attendance and Voting Privileges Community Notice

TPCH Quarterly Membership Met on Thursday, November 9, 2023 


Section 2.04 of the Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness Governance Charter requires that the CoC Lead Agency/Collaborative Applicant publish a list of members gaining voting privileges, at risk of losing voting privileges, and having lost voting privileges within one month following each General Council meeting. The last TPCH General Council meeting was held on Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 12:30-4:15pm.

Per the TPCH Governance Charter, voting privileges are assigned to TPCH members in attendance at two of the three immediately preceding General Council meetings. For a list of members now eligible to vote as a result of attending this meeting, see the TPCH Voting Member Roster: TPCH Voting Member Roster_Voting Status Updates from 11.9.23 General Council

If you believe your voting privileges are not accurately reported here, please email

TPCH Releases its Progress Report on the 2020-2025 Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in Tucson and Throughout Pima County


The Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness (TPCH) is committed to reducing and ultimately eliminating homelessness in our region. Ending homelessness in Pima County – which covers more than 9,000 square miles including urban, suburban, rural, and Tribal area – means ensuring that those who are experiencing a crisis of homelessness obtain safe and stable housing as quickly as possible and do not return to the homeless system. In 2020, CoC leadership and staff created the TPCH Strategic Plan, which articulated a strategic path to guide efforts as a CoC to achieve these goals. Shortly afterward, the world changed with the onset of COVID-19. COVID-19 drastically altered how TPCH and its partners interacted with each other and with the people the CoC serves. This document, the 2023 Progress Report on the 2020 TPCH Strategic Plan, gives the CoC, its TPCH board and the community a look at our progress 18 months through the plan’s timeline.

Download the report at the link: TPCH 2023 Update to the Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in Tucson and Throughout Pima County

The TPCH Strategic Plan advanced many goals from prior planning efforts to expand the permanent housing inventory, identify and lower barriers to system entry and housing, refine Coordinated Entry processes, increase systemwide data capacity, and incorporate a racial equity lens into system evaluation and improvement strategies. The Plan endeavors to ensure that all programs and interventions employed to address homelessness function together with a common set of objectives and performance measures targeted at achieving measurable change in Pima County communities – and that the system’s resources are being used to maximize impact the yield the greatest possible results. This document, the 2023 Progress Report on the 2020 TPCH Strategic Plan, revisits these goals and summarizes progress toward their fulfillment.

We recognize that our coalition cannot end homelessness alone. The TPCH Strategic Plan centers the need for on-going and deeply embedded multi-sector partnerships to produce transformational change in our communities’ response to homelessness. It is founded on evidence-based practices and strategies in the field, focused on efforts that will yield the greatest possible results, and designed to provide the Continuum of Care and community leadership a framework for ending the crisis of homelessness in Pima County. As such, TPCH regularly monitors progress toward its goals and objectives, as it has done with the 2023 Progress Report on the TPCH Strategic Plan.

U of A Southwest Institute for Research on Women releases census updates to Housing Insecurity and Potential Homelessness Report

The University of Arizona Southwest Institute for Research on Women has released its most recent update to its report on Housing Insecurity Indicators and Potential Homelessness Estimates for Arizona and Pima County. This report measures current housing insecurity with newer census data.

Download the report here.

This most recent survey wave contains multiple pieces of concerning news.

There is continuing good news to report on rents.

Download the report here.

TPCH and SAFEE Jointly Host Panel On older adults experiencing homelessness and/or domestic abuse on December 1, 2023 at 9am at the 320 N Commerce Park Loop

Panel on older adults experiencing homelessness and/or domestic abuse on December 1, 2023 at 9am at the 320 N Commerce Park Loop

This panel will host representatives from the following organizations: 

The agenda for the discussion will be the following: 

Register at the link below to get more information about quarterly free trainings from the Administration of Resources and Choices. 

This flyer below is also available here for download

TPCH General Council Meets November 9, 2023

Join us for the quarterly General Council meeting of the TPCH membership on Thursday, November 9, 2023.  This meeting will be held in person at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, located at 5049 E Broadway.

For a list of members eligible to vote in this meeting, see the TPCH Voting Member Roster linked below. 

Please note that the meeting will be 12:30pm - 2:30pm, followed by additional training opportunities 2:45pm - 4:15pm.

Summary Meeting Agenda

Roll Call and Consent Agenda

Jocelyn Muzzin, Continuum of Care Board Chairperson

Community Celebrations

Jocelyn Muzzin, Continuum of Care Board Chairperson

CoC Lead Updates

Elaine MacPherson, Continuum of Care Lead Agency (City of Tucson)

Board Updates

Jocelyn Muzzin, Continuum of Care Board Chairperson

Financial Updates

Elaine MacPherson, Continuum of Care Lead Agency (City of Tucson)

TPCH Strategic Plan Update

Committee and Coalition Representatives

Committee and Coalition Updates

Committee and Coalition Representatives

Frequent User System Engagement (FUSE) Update and Next Steps Presentation

Chuck Peterson, Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)

Ian Costello, Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)

Dr. Keith Bentele, University of Arizona Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW)

New Business/Announcements

Group Discussion

Sessions Offered:

Frequent User System Engagement (FUSE) Data Design Breakout
(Facilitated by the Corporation for Supportive Housing and CoC Lead)

Frequent User System Engagement (FUSE) Program Design Breakout
(Facilitated by the Corporation for Supportive Housing and CoC Lead)

TPCH Supplemental Funding to Address Unsheltered Homelessness Orientation
(Presented by SNOFO Grantees: City of Tucson, Old Pueblo Community Services, and Community Bridges, Inc.)

Download the Meeting Materials:

TPCH General Council Meeting Draft Agenda (November 2023)

TPCH Voting Member Roster as of November 2023

TPCH General Council Meeting Minutes (August 2023)


Attending the FUSE Breakout sessions? Explore FUSE materials from projects in other communities here:

Multnomah County FUSE Report 

Medicaid Housing Related Services

CSH Case Study - Denver

Initial Findings - FUSE 10 Year Report 

TPCH CoC Program Grant Committee to Host Session on Increasing Income Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 9-11am


TPCH Continuum of Care Program Grant Committee to Host First of Three Sessions on Community-Wide Performance

Session 1: Increasing Income
Thursday, October 19, 2023, 9:00-11:00am
Abrams Public Health Center
3950 S Country Club Rd, Tucson, AZ 85713

We look forward to hosting community partners for a conversation about increasing income among participants in our homelessness and housing programs in October. This session is part of a series hosted by the Tucson-Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness (TPCH) Program Grant Committee, which is responsible for monitoring and providing technical assistance to local programs. The Program Grant Committee also plans to host sessions related to bed utilization and prompt access to housing over the next few months.

Slides available for download here: CoC Program Grant Committee_Increasing Income Session_10.19.2023

Our October session will focus on increasing income for individuals in housing programs (rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing), which has been an area where our CoC programs have consistently struggled. We hope this session can serve as a tool to examine current practices, explore new strategies, and develop a plan of action to support program participants. 

Specifically, this session will: 

Please have all who plan on attending register using this form so a calendar invite can be sent to them. 

Slides available for download here: CoC Program Grant Committee_Increasing Income Session_10.19.2023