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TPCH To Host COVID-19 Regulatory Waiver Update Webinar for CoC, ESG, YHDP, and HOPWA Providers

TPCH to Host Webinar Addressing COVID-19 Regulatory Waivers for HUD Homeless Assistance Programs

Wednesday, July 6, 1pm-2:30pm

Learn more about HUD's recently announced COVID-19 waivers, and expiring waivers.  This webinar is intended for HUD Continuum of Care, Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant recipients and subrecipients.

Click here to register! 

The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development has released multiple waiver notices since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. These waivers have allowed additional flexibilities for HUD homeless assistance programs.  Several waivers have expired and/or are set to expire on September 30, 2022.  Additionally, HUD announced new waiver availabilities and processes in CPD Notice 22-09 earlier today. 

Keeping up with the requirements and timelines of these waivers can be dizzying!  Join TPCH for a 90-minute webinar in which we will review expired and soon-to-expire waivers, currently available waivers including the waivers identified in today's CPD Notice, and requirements related to recordkeeping, notification, and program implementation.

During this session, training participants will:

  • Receive a refresher training on recordkeeping and other requirements associated with the use of expired and expiring waivers
  • Learn more about currently available waivers including newly published waivers announced in CPD Notice 22-09. 
  • Receive instruction regarding the submission of requests for regulatory waivers to the local HUD Field Office or, in the case of subrecipients, to the primary recipient through which funds are subawarded. 

Who Should Attend: This webinar is intended for recipients and subrecipients of Continuum of Care, Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant recipients and subrecipients in Pima County, Arizona. 

Click here to register! 

For more information, please contact

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