TPCH General Council

Hi folks,
If you’re on this invite, it’s because you’re a TPCH Committee and / or Board officer (or – a committee member of a committee that does not yet have elected officers) who is expected to attend General Council and report out on your committee’s annual plan. Please connect with the staff assigned to your committee to return that annual plan no later than Tuesday, August 6th so it can be printed with the materials for the day.

TPCH General Council

TPCH General Council

TPCH General Council

TPCH General Council

TPCH General Council Meeting: 12:20-2:30pm
TPCH Breakout Sessions: 2:45-4:15pm

TPCH General Council

TPCH Annual Meeting (General Council)

TPCH General Council

Parking Instructions for the Community Foundation are attached.

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