Striving Toward Racial Justice Issue #3 - Leadership Commitment to Racial Justice

Striving Toward Racial Justice
Issue #3- Leadership Commitment to Racial Justice

TPCH released Striving Toward Racial Justice: A Call-to-Action for Pima County Community-Based Organizations, in partnership with the University of Arizona Southwest Institute for Research on Women in November 2021.  As we begin 2022, we are calling on community organizations and our housing partners to deepen our shared resolve to advancing racial equity.  This email series provides a summary of key concepts and strategies discussed in the Call to Action and i packed with useful resources and tools to help community organizations as they strive toward racial justice.

In this issue, we introduce the first of 7 key actions defined in the Call to Action: Public Commitments to Racial Justice Among Organizational Leadership

Don't miss our next issue in which we introduce Action 2 - Engaging in Collective Racial Justice Work within the Organization.  Can't wait?  Click here to download the full Call to Action now. 


Action 1: Organizational Leadership Publicly Commits to Racial Justice

In some organizations, diversity, equity, and inclusion work is underway, albeit subtlety and without a public announcement.

Without a clear proclamation from organizational leadership that racial justice is an organizational priority, the work is not likely to have a significant impact.

Staff who are not in leadership positions may be placing themselves at great risk for repercussions or ostracization when they strive for significant changes. While it is important to include people from all levels of the organization, leadership must play an active role and set the stage for true change.


Recommended Strategies
Hire a reputable outside organization or consultant to facilitate agency-wide racial justice work.

Form a diverse group charged with leading these efforts and compensate people for this additional labor. Groups must include people of color; however, the labor of staff of color in this effort must not be compulsory.

Demonstrate open communication about race and racial justice.

Demonstrate a willingness to engage in difficult conversations and a willingness to change.

Begin to consider and challenge all aspects of the current structure and systems in place.

Respect and acknowledge the work of people/groups who are already doing this work for your organization, and enter the space as a participant.

It is key for organizational leaders to embrace what it means to begin doing racial justice work. 

Organization leaders, who will bear the brunt of critique from multiple angles, prepare to actively listen and receive criticism.

Strike the delicate balance between expecting people of color to lead the work and excluding people of color entirely.

Understand that some organizations that think that they have mastered racial justice may be the ones inflicting the most harm.

Accept that some staff members will resist racial justice work and may leave the organization.

Expect the path to be imperfect and the work to be unending.


Resources for Organizational Leaders

A Brief Timeline of Race and Homelessness in America
Jeff Olivet, Amanda Andere, Marc Dones, Britttani Manzo, and Jessica Venegas

Anti-Racism Resource Guide: Becoming an Inclusive Leader
Denise Martinez, Nicole Del Castillo, and Kenya Ferguson, University of Iowa Healthcare

How White People Conquered the Nonprofit Industry
Anastasia Reesa Tomkin

Public Health Resources for Understanding Environmental Racism
Public Health Degrees

Race to Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap
Sean Thomas-Breitfeld and Frances Kunreuther, Building Movement Project

The 4 Secrets: The Hidden Factor of Nonprofit Boards and Racial Equity Change
Kelly Bates, Interaction Institute for Social Change

The Six Signature Traits of Inclusive Leadership
Juliet Bourke, Deloitte

20 Subtle Ways White Supremacy Manifests in Nonprofit and Philanthropy
Vu Le, Nonprofit AF

White Supremacy Culture - Still Here
Tema Okun



It is with the upmost admiration, respect and appreciation that we thank the authors for their critical contribution to this call-to action. In addition to their daily tireless commitment and relentless dedication to achieving racial justice in our community, they lent their expertise and passion to the hopeful notion that local organizations are willing to better serve their clients and better support their staff. Each of you makes our community a more just place.
Claudia Powell
Casey Chimneystar Limón-Condit
Marisol Flores-Aguirre
Anna Harper-Guerrero
Mildred Manuel
Andrés Portela III
Claudio Rodriguez





April 26, 2019

Board nominations continue

Items of interest

City/County co-located
Warrant Resolution Court event set May 8

The next in a series of co-located warrant resolution court session for the City of Tucson and Pima County is set for Wednesday, May 8 at Pima County Consolidated Justice Court, 240 N. Stone Avenue.

   The schedules and telephone contact numbers are:

  • 4:00 – 7:00 pm, Pima County Consolidated Justice Court, (520) 724-3171.
  • 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Tucson City Court, (520) 791-4216.

Local service providers
set Summer Sun sites

Tucson’s heat is rising and people experiencing homelessness will soon seek to escape the heat and sun.

CLICK HERE for a list of Summer Sun relief sites.

Also you can CLICK HERE for a flyer to remind generous people where to share heat-survival supplies with those who need them. Please post both!

Send names to G&P Committee Chair
and Board Treasurer through May 1

Nominations are re-opened for Board seats elections at the May 9 General Council meeting (3:00-4:30 pm, City of Tucson Sentinel Building, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop), TPCH members may nominate for the following seats through noon on Wednesday, May 1, 2019.

  • Philanthropy
  • First Responder (Law enforcement, Fire Department, etc.)
    (2 open seats)
  • Utility Company
  • CoC Grant Recipient
    (2 open seats)
  • Local/State Government
    (2 open seats)
  • McKinney-Vento Liaison or School Rep
  • Faith-based Organization
    (2 open seats)

Send your nominations to both G&P Chair Steve Nelson and Board Treasurer Linda Kot. You may click here or, if your email does not allow automated email links, email both and by noon on May 1.

See, subscribe to TPCH meetings
calendar at

Click the link above or type the text into your web browser address box. Click on the “Subscribe” button in the calendar’s lower right corner, choose your calendar and follow the on-screen directions.

Vancouver provides bus bench shelters for people sleeping outdoors, click here.


March 22, 2019

City of Tucson to become new Collaborative Applicant

TPCH meetings through April 5

TODAY: Governance & Planning Committee,  8:30-10:00 am,
400 E. 26th St.

Board of Directors –  Tues., March 26, 3:00-5:00pm, Pima County Housing Center,  801 W. Congress St.Outreach Coordination Subcommittee – Thurs., March 28, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross, 2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., March 29, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center,
400 E. 26th St.

Emergency Solutions Subcommittee – Wed., April 3, 10:30am-12:00pm, Library, Trinity Presbyterian Church,
400 E. University Blvd.

Outreach Coordination Subcommittee – Thurs., April 4, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross,
2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., April 5, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center,
400 E. 26th St.

Homeless Youth Subcommittee –  Fri., April 5,  8:30-10:00am, GAP Ministries, 2861 N. Flowing Wells Rd.

Legal Help at night!

The Pima County Bar Association will hold free “Court Night” legal information sessions on Tuesday, March 26, 4:00-5:30 pm and 5:45-7:15 pm at Flowing Wells Community Center, 1660 W. Ruthrauff Road.


See the attached flyers in English and Spanish.

Click here for English flyer

Click here for Spanish flyer


Board terms revised, email nominations by March 31

The TPCH General Council, at its March 12, 2019 special meeting, passed two motions updating our Continuum of Care’s operations and structure. They were:

·  The City of Tucson will become the CoC’s new Collaborative Applicant on an appropriate date as determined by a collaborative transition plan.

·  Article VI of the TPCH Governance Charter is amended to include a maximum of 27 Board members (21 elected) with three-year terms, align the representation more closely with CoC program requirements, and ensure that no more than one-third of elected Board members’ terms end in any single future year. A lottery will determine terms’
end dates.

New and continuing TPCH Board members will be elected at the May 9 TPCH General Council Annual Meeting, 3-4:30 pm, at the Emily Nottingham (Sentinel) Building, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop.

Open positions (new or where the serving director reached term limit) are:

·  Philanthropy

·  First Responder (Law enforcement, Fire Department, etc.)

·  Utility Company

·   CoC Grant Recipient

·   CoC Grant Recipient

·  Local/State Government

·  McKinney-Vento Liaison or School Rep

Positions for which current Board members are eligible for reelection are:

·   Local/State Government, Adriane Clark, Arizona Department of Economic Security

·   Faith-based Organization, Charles Hofker, Gospel Rescue Mission

·   First Responder, Lt. Jamie Brady, Tucson Police Dept.

Any TPCH member may send nominations to the Treasurer and the Governance & Planning Committee chair by March 31.

Banner & Bombas aid homeless March 31

Banner University Medical Center and Bombas Socks will aid people without permanent housing and other underserved people Sunday, March 31, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon) at their South Campus, 2800 E. Ajo Way in front of the Behavioral Health Pavilion.

The Connecting the Community event will serve breakfast burritos and beverages, and offer free: haircuts; first aid kits; sunscreen, hand sanitizer, dog food; diabetes education; diabetic foot screenings; and help signing up for AHCCCS. See and post the attached flyer.

Click here for flyer


Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice

Nelson Mandela

March 8, 2019

General Council meets March 12 about City CA letter of intent
Prepare to cast your agency’s vote!
Collaborative Applicant (CA) staff earlier this week emailed TPCH members a reminder of – and background materials for – a Special TPCH General Council on March 12, 3:00 pm, at the Pima County Housing Center.

If you did not receive this email, email immediately to request a copy. Copies will be emailed through 5 pm Monday, March 11 and available in print at the meeting.

There are two very important main topics.

• How should TPCH proceed (with FY 2019 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding and a CA) in response to the City of Tucson Letter of Intent and subsequent Questions and Answers in response to our request for information for entities wishing to be our new CA?
• Should TPCH adopt a new, more inclusive but streamlined Board structure that replaces one-third (instead of half) of voting Board members each year?
Please review the forwarded materials carefully, discuss with your leaders, and come prepared to discuss these questions and cast your agency’s vote!

TPCH meetings for the next two weeks

TODAY: Governance & Planning Committee – 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Special General Council Meeting re: Collaborative Applicant – Tues., March 12, 3:00-5:00 pm, Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.

Performance Evaluation and Monitoring Committee – Wed., March 13, 9:00-11:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

HMIS Committee – Wed., March 13, 3:00-4:30pm, Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, 375 S. Euclid Ave.

Coordinated Outreach Subcommittee – Thurs., March 14, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross, 2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., March 15, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Continuum of Services Committee – Tues., March 19, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Performance Evaluation & Monitoring Committee – Wed., March 20, 9:00-11:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Coordinated Entry Committee – Thurs., March 21, 1:30-3:00pm, Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., March 22, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Board of Directors – Tues., March 26, 3:00-5:00pm, Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.



El Rio open at Cherrybell/Kino
El Rio Community Health Center’s newest facility – and homeless clinic – are open at 1230 S. Cherrybell Stravenue (at the Kino Parkway intersection).

Stand Down set March 13-15
Services for all veterans – and respite housing for homeless veterans only – will be provided at the Grand Luxe Hotel, 1365 Grant Road, March 13-15, during the annual Veterans Stand Down.
TVSV still seeks volunteers to work starting March 12. Please copy and circulate the attached volunteer, full and quarter-page flyers.

Taxes trying you or clients?
Use the free tax-preparation assistance program, VITA , at eight locations. Taxpayers with a family income of $62,000 or less are eligible. In the 520-area code phone for:
Sites – 724-4727.
Tax queries – 903-9000.

Evictions: What can we do?
Join the community conversation! See and post the attached flyer. Read Evicted… and the join its author, Matthew Desmond, and local experts for a panel discussion on March 21.



There is still much more to be done to ensure that everyone in our country has a safe and stable home…

Home, Together

February 22, 2019

TPCH needs your leadership!
Nominate committee leaders, directors now!
Despite our shivering, spring and TPCH elections are coming! Our Continuum of Care (CoC) elects committee and subcommittee chairs and vice chairs each April and approximately half of TPCH Board of Directors members each May. If you’re willing to lead – or wish to name someone who is, here’s what happens and how to participate.

Committee elections
TPCH’s Governance Charter requires that committees – and subcommittees – elect each April a chair and vice chair for the next July 1-June 30 year. These officers serve one-year terms. Each may serve two (2) consecutive terms, and then must wait out a year before again leading the same committee.
Each committee’s member should:
• Nominate committee chairs and vice chairs at meetings in March. (Can’t attend? Nominate through the email list serve.)
• Elect chairs and vice chairs in April.
• Announce at the May TPCH General Council Annual Meeting who will be your committee’s leaders beginning July 1, 2019.

Board elections
TPCH Board members are elected at the May TPCH General Council Annual Meeting. This year it is on May 9, 3-4:30 pm, in the Sabino-Rillito Rooms of the Emily Nottingham (Sentinel) Building, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop.

TPCH last year did not specify term expiration dates when it increased Board positions. Therefore, TPCH’s Governance and Planning (G&P) Committee is perfecting a system to stagger term expiration dates.

Meanwhile, any TPCH member may nominate potential directors by submitting the candidate’s name to the Treasurer and the Governance & Planning Committee chair by March 31 each year.



Upcoming TPCH meetings

TODAY: Governance & Planning Committee –8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Board of Directors – Tues., Feb. 26, 3:00-4:30pm, Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.

Performance Evaluation & Monitoring Committee – Wed., Feb. 27, 9:00-11:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Coordinated Outreach Subcommittee – Thurs., Feb. 28, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross, 2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., March 1, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Homeless Youth Subcommittee – Fri., March 1,  8:30-10:00am, GAP Ministries, 2861 N. Flowing Wells Rd.

Emergency Solutions Subcommittee – Wed., March 6, 10:30am-12:00pm, Library, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 400 E. University Blvd.

Coordinated Entry Committee – Thurs., March 7, 1:30-3:00pm, Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.



Nomination and election are not to satisfy ambition, but to serve.

February 8, 2019

HUD renews TPCH planning funds
Total FY 2018 award = $8.6 million

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced its final FY 2018 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grants on February 6, 2019, including renewed $250,049 in planning funds for TPCH. Click here and then click on the map of Arizona to view awards. The awards for TPCH (the Pima County geographic area) are listed under AZ-501.
TPCH received no new or bonus projects.

CoC elections coming soon!
Read how to nominate now!

Members of TPCH will elect 2019-2020 committee chairs in April and elect or reelect 2019-2020 Board members in May. Here’s what to do.
Committees. Nominate committee chairs and vice chairs at committee meetings in March. Elect the new officers in April for one-year terms to begin July 1; then announce election results at the May 9 General Council Annual Meeting.
Board of Directors. Any voting member may nominate a candidate to the Board slate by submitting the candidate’s name to the Treasurer (Linda Kot, and the Governance & Planning (G&P) Committee chair (Steven Nelson, by March 31. The G&P Committee recommends the slate to the General Council.
TPCH’s voting membership then elect or re-elect directors (if a director is eligible to be re-elected) at the May 9 annual meeting. The 2019-2020 Board elects a Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer for one-year terms from among all directors at their first meeting (in July).

TPCH meetings for the next two weeks

TODAY: Governance & Planning Committee, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Performance Evaluation and Monitoring Committee – Wed., Feb. 13, 9:00-11:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

HMIS Committee – Wed., Feb. 13, 3:00-4:30pm, SAAF, 375 S. Euclid Ave.

Coordinated Outreach Subcommittee – Thurs., Feb. 14, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross, 2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

NEW LOCATION: General Council – Thurs., Feb. 14, 3:00-4:30pm, COPE Training Room, 1485 W. Commerce Court (south of Ajo Way west of I-10).

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., Feb. 15, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Continuum of Services Committee – Tues., Feb. 19, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Performance Evaluation & Monitoring Committee – Wed., Feb. 20, 9:00-11:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Coordinated Entry Committee – Thurs., Feb. 21, 1:30-3:00pm, Pettit/Miles Room, Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., Feb. 22, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.


Free ‘I.D.’ for homeless Vets
Veterans must provide documentation of homelessness within the past 60 days from a homeless service provider of the Department of Veterans Affairs. See the attached flyer and/or visit

Tucson Veterans Stand Down set March 13-15
Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans (TVSV) will provide a wide array of services for all veterans – and respite housing at the Grand Luxe Hotel, 1365 Grant Road, Tucson for homeless veterans only –March 13-15, 2019.
TVSV also seeks volunteers to assist with Stand Down March 12-15.
Please see, post, copy and circulate the attached volunteer, Stand Down, and quarter-page Stand Down flyers.

VITA provides free tax preparation
The United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona provides free tax assistance for people with an annual income of $66,000 or less through Volunteers in Tax Assistance, or VITA.

Qualifying persons and families can get help in person, with do-it-yourself software or from Valet Vita, a drop-off and pick-up service. Click here for details.


“Treat him as a friend and save a life. A homeless man is not a leper.”

̶̶Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann.

January 25, 2019

Thank you, volunteers!

2019 dates set for General Council

All TPCH General Council meetings will be on Thursdays, 3 – 4:30 pm, on the following dates and in the following locations.

Feb. 14, 2019 in the Cope Training Rooms, 1501 W. Commerce Court. (This is west of I-10 and south of Valencia Road.)

May 9, 2019, and
Aug.11, 2019 in the Sabino-Rillito Rooms of the Emily
Nottingham (Sentinel) Bldg.320 N. Commerce Park Loop. (This is in the City Resource Campus, west of I-10 and north of Congress off N. Bonita Ave.)

Nov. 14, 2019 in a location to be announced.

Mark your calendars and plan
to attend!

TVSV seeks providers
for March 14 resource fair

Tucson Veterans Serving Veterans (TVSV) is signing up service providers for its Stand Down Veterans Resource Fair for Thurs., March 14, 2019. To participate see and return the attached form to TVSV asks providers to set up at 8 am, enjoy a free lunch, and stay until 2pm.

More for veterans

iSmile Dental offers free dentistry for vets on the second Tuesday of each month. Appointments are required! Phone each office to set an appointment: South Tucson, (520) 889-3358; or Eastside, (520-514=-7400)

Auto Einsteins and Unscrewed Theater are giving away a 2007 Kia Spectra to one Southern Arizona female veteran. See and post the attached flyer or email to apply:

for PIT Count and data entry efforts

TPCH thanks each individual and organization that volunteered to help make the annual Point In Time (PIT) Homeless Count successful!

Volunteers, both TPCH and community members, play an essential role.  Their tasks include:

·         Visiting shelters that are seasonal or don’t participate in the TPCH Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) on Jan. 22, 2019 to interview guests.

·         Spreading throughout Pima County the morning of Jan. 23, 2019 to interview people experiencing homelessness who slept unsheltered the night before.

·         Inputting data gathered from interviews into HMIS.

Equally vital to completing the annual PIT are service providers who gather and accurately record information on their shelter guests and program participants.

These same providers are simultaneously updating their data on the number of beds and units that they currently operate that are dedicated for use by people experiencing homelessness. TPCH also report these housing data to HUD in its annual Housing Inventory Chart

TPCH seeks letters of intent for new
Collaborative Applicant/Fiscal Agent

See the Request for Information (RFI) on the TPCH website home page (scroll down) or in The Daily Territorial next week.

TPCH meetings for the next two weeks

Performance Evaluation & Monitoring Committee – Wed., Jan. 30, 9-11 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Coordinated Outreach Subcommittee – Thurs., Jan. 31, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross, 2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., Feb. 1, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Homeless Youth Subcommittee – Fri., Feb. 1, 8:30-10:00am, GAP Ministries, 2861 N. Flowing Wells Rd.

Emergency Solutions Subcommittee – Wed., Feb. 6, 10:30am-12:00pm, Library, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 400 E. University Blvd.

Coordinated Entry Committee – Thurs., Feb. 7, 1:30-3:00pm, Pettit/Miles Room, Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., Feb. 8, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Home is a notion that only nations of the homeless fully appreciate and only the uprooted comprehend.

Wallace Stegner, “Angle of Repose”


January 11, 2019

Count yourself in!
Volunteer for Jan. 23 Street Count


CREATE for women

Sister Jose Women’s Center has a new 26-week, clean-and-sober empowerment program for women, CREATE.

            CREATE works to move participants to sustainable living with life, job and personal skill enhancement. Participants receive a guaranteed space in the Center’s overnight program and a small stipend. See and share the attached flyer and application.

Apply your expertise
to grants selection

The City of Tucson and Pima County seek reviewers to recommend grant applications for funding.

            Grant reviewers must attend an orientation, review applications online at, and join a post-review panel to reach consensus on recommendations.

To volunteer contact:

            City of Tucson: Elaine Raviele, or (520) 837-5424.

            Pima County: John Matheny, or (520) 724-8779.

Learn about victim advocate volunteering

The Pima County Attorney’s Office will hold information sessions on victim advocate crisis intervention training and volunteer opportunities on Tuesdays, Jan. 29 and Feb. 5, 6 – 8 pm, at the Tucson Police Department Substation, 1310 W. Miracle Mile Road, Tucson. RSVP to (520) 724-5525 and/or print and share the attached flyer.

Sign up to help count people experiencing homelessness who spent the previous night unsheltered during the 2019 Everyone Counts! Street Count on Weds., Jan 23, approximately 7 am-12 pm. (See attached revised flyer.)

Volunteer now here or directly at

Team leads (10 more needed!) sign up by Jan. 14, when two team lead orientations are set. These will be in the Primavera Foundation Administrative Office Classroom, 151 W. 40th St. 9-10:30 am and 5:30-7:30 pm respectively.

Surveyors sign up by or at the Jan. 16 volunteer training. New volunteers must both attend training, 5:30-6:30 pm, and then meet with their team leads, 6:30-8 pm, in the Sabino-Rillito Rooms of the City of Tucson Emily Nottingham Building, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop. Previously trained volunteers may arrive at 6:30 pm to meet with their team leaders. Light refreshments will be available.

New TPCH logo signals new website!

Watch for the new coming later this month. There will be no change in our web address, but big changes in the look and ease of use!

TPCH meetings for the next two weeks

TODAYGovernance & Planning Committee, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Performance Evaluation & Monitoring Committee – Mon., Jan. 14, 9-11 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Team Lead Trainings for 2019 Street Count -- Mon., Jan. 14, 9-10:30 am and 5:30-7 pm, Primavera Administrative Office Classroom, 151 W. 40th St.,

Continuum of Services Committee – Tues., Jan. 15, 8:30-10:00am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

Coordinated Outreach Subcommittee – Thurs., Jan. 17, 9:30-10:30am, American Red Cross, 2916 E. Broadway Blvd.

Youth Action Committee – Thurs., Jan.17, 5:30-7:00 pm, YMCA, 60 W. Alameda St.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., Jan. 18, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

2019 “Everyone Counts” Street Count – Weds., Jan. 23, 7 am – 12 pm, throughout Pima County.

Coordinated Entry Committee – Thurs., Jan. 24, 1:30-3:00 pm, Community Room 2 (Pettit/Miles), Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.

Governance & Planning Committee – Fri., Jan. 25, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.

“There should never be any blame or shame in being homeless”
Asa Don Brown, PhD, author, professor, clinician

November 16, 2018

AHCCCS adds note on transitional BH care, provides graphic update

Homeless service providers who also provide behavioral health care are familiar with the changes made starting AHCCCS Complete Care (ACC) Oct. 1, 2018: the integration of all behavioral health (BH) care services except those for persons with a diagnosis of Serious Mental Illness (SMI) with medical services providers.

Some service provider organizations joined forces to implement these changes. Some individual practitioners changed organizations or entered private practice.

Consumers chose new providers months ago. However, clients in behavioral health treatment without an SMI diagnosis may be anxious to continue treatment with a specific professional while adjusting to the new insurer or waiting to be assigned to or meet with a new provider.

At the Nov. 15 Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) Information Forum, ACC Executive Project Manager Kari Price noted that AHCCCS will continue to pay for a consumer to see their previous provider for six months (October 2018 – March 2019) –even if that provider is not affiliated with the consumer’s new insurer – if:

If your client is anxious about a new treatment provider or hasn’t yet been received one in their new plan, help them explore this option.

For an update on the changes to date, see the attached information sheet from the forum. (The sheet is general and doesn’t note that the SMI provider for Pima County is Arizona Complete Health and the other insurers are Banner University Family Care, Arizona Complete Health and the United HealthCare Community Plan.)

For more in-depth information, visit

Happy Thanksgiving!

Help those who are experiencing homelessness – or just lack of food or company –enjoy this holiday: print and post the attached list of free Thanksgiving food and meals.

We at TPCH are thankful to Amy Munoz at CODAC for providing the main body of the list and Carmen Harper- Young for reminding us that Mt. Calvary Baptist Church also provides hospitality.

City and County seeking proposals for use of grant funding

Both entities accept applications only through Zoom Grants.

Learn about the City of Tucson’s Request for Proposals for Human Service/Public Service here.

See details of Pima County’s request for applications for the use of Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grants here.

September 28, 2018

Thanks to all who made 2018 conference a success!

TPCH held the 2018 Making Homelessness History Conference Sept. 18 with support from nine agency sponsors: Diamond Sponsor Arizona Complete Health; Sapphire Sponsors ICS plus Intermountain Centers with Community Partners; Emerald Sponsors CBI, Inc. and Gospel Rescue Mission; plus, Opal Sponsors Compass Affordable Housing, Cope Community Services, and Our Family Services.

TPCH extends many thanks to each sponsor, and will continue to acknowledge their support on our website here.

Many thanks as well to Arizona Department of Housing Director Carol L. Ditmore for insights into statewide housing; the 25 subject matter experts who spoke during the breakout sessions; and the eight volunteers who helped ensure that sessions ran smoothly.

Overall, more than 100 persons participated in the professional development and fundraising event. Preliminary estimates are that the conference raised more than $9,000 for TPCH to use in printing the Need Help? pamphlets and Guidelines on Getting Out as well as to help purchase gift cards to thank participants in the annual Point-In-Time unsheltered or Street Count.

TPCH meetings for the next two weeks

TODAY, Governance & Planning Committee, 8:30-10 am, Sullivan Jackson Employment Center, 400 E. 26th St.
Emergency Solutions Subcommittee – Wed., Oct. 3, 10:30am-12 pm, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 400 E. University Blvd.
Coordinated Entry Committee – Thurs., Oct. 4, 1:30-3 pm, Pettit/Miles Room, Pima County Housing Center, 801 W. Congress St.
Youth Action Committee – Thurs., Oct. 4, 5:30- 7 pm, Lohse Family YMCA, 60 W. Alameda St.
Homeless Youth Subcommittee – Fri., Oct. 5, 8:30-10 am, GAP Ministries, 2861 N. Flowing Wells Rd.
HMIS Committee – Wed., Oct. 10, 3-4:30pm, Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, 375 S. Euclid Ave.
Coordinated Outreach Subcommittee – Thurs., Oct. 11, 9:30-10:30 am, American Red Cross, 2916 E. Broadway Blvd.
Youth Action Committee – Thurs., Oct. 11, 5:30- 7 pm, Lohse Family YMCA, 60 W. Alameda St.

Community News & Events

RAPP’s planned 
Oct. 1 move is delayed. 
Watch your email for the new date for moving to 1082 
E. Ajo (rear entrance). 
In the interim, refer 
clients to RAPP at 
1101 E. Broadway.

Tucson Homeless 
Connect is set for 
Friday, Oct. 12, 8 am 
– 1 pm, at Trinity Presbyterian
Church, 400 E. 
University Blvd.
 Approximately 50
service providers will 
offer aid. Volunteers are 
still needed. To 
volunteer, visit 
www.tucsonhomelesscon and use the 
Contact Us link. 
 Please see, print and distribute attached flyers.

The 26th Annual 
HopeFest, to help
hungry, needy and 
community members is 
set Sat. Oct. 27, 9 am – 
2 pm at the Center for 
Opportunity, 4550 S. 
Palo Verde Rd. To 
support the event a 
Pack the Parking Lot 
donation drive will be 
held Fri., Oct. 26 at the 
Center. For more visit

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